
  1. M

    there is a god

    Hi to you all Have been a bit down on my luck latley,what with work being a bit rough.So got myself a job and was going to start my training on monday, was not really my thing but when needs must the devil drives. I have got a job in for a builder about 2wks work so was on here yesterday having...
  2. J

    Hi there

    Hi there, I am not a tiler. I am a carrying out my first self build and would be grateful for some assistance: I have 2 questions: (1)My builder wants to use 6mm hardiback board on the floors in the bathrooms. This will be laid over 18mm ply. The bathrooms are to have electric under floor...
  3. D

    Hi there everybody

    I hope my future input will be usefull in this form
  4. F

    Hi there everybody!

    Hi, my name is Den. Found this forum while trying to find advice on wet saws. Very useful it was too :) Just finishing my first attempts with a wet cutter, nice job of giving me grey sideburns! lol Regards. Den.
  5. R

    hi there

    hi . been a member for a while now and never posted anything. i thought it was about time i did . my name is john i live in the midlands and have been a fixer for over 21 years .
  6. B

    HI there

    hi everyone,I'm just a daft geordie lad trying to improve my home along with LOTS of help (I hope lol)from the good folks on here.
  7. O

    Hi there

    Hi all, I'm a diy enthusiast and am about to start a wet room project. I found some very interesting info on your forum so I'm sure to have a few questions coming up !!!
  8. B

    Hello there :o)

    Hello everyone :waving:, My name is Alan, I live in Kirkby, Liverpool. I currently work shifts and have been looking into either doing a tiling course or possibly labouring for a tiler on my days off, ("Which seems to be a lot of" :smilewinkgrin:) just to get my foot into the door so to say. I...
  9. S

    Hi there!

    Hi all! I'm leaving the Army shortly for a change of career and have retrained in tiling. As I'm sure you can all appreciate, this is a major step and quite nerve-racking! Any advice on setting up as a sole trader would be really helpful eg. Getting trade accounts set up and the best places...
  10. E

    Blooming sat nav...thought there was as road here!!!

    Just a bit of fun myself and a few others had the other night in the woods!!
  11. B

    Hey there

    Hello, I'm the standard do-it-yourself home owner. I've been in my house for 20 years and have tiled rooms as small as 5x5 (bathroom) and as large as 12x30 (family room). Along the way I've made plenty of mistakes and my work is "ok" for me but by no means top notch. I know where all the...
  12. D

    Hi there :)

    Hi all I hope I don't have to use this site too often!!! many a word spoken in jest, but I think it is a good idea, and a good place to bounce ideas and advice off of other people..........
  13. H

    Hi there - new kitchen on the way

    Hi there. I've been reading this forum for the last few weeks and found some excellent advice so thought I'd finally introduce myself. I did an Able Skills training course last month which I thought was really good and it's given me the confidence to tackle my own project (although I'm sure...
  14. K

    Hi there ... how do I start up a business?

    Hello guys n gals, I've been tiling in the London/Surrey area for the past 5 years now as a subcontractor. However I'm starting to feel like I could do with a change of pace, find my own contracts and start up my own (small) tiling business If anyone has any advice how to go about this it...
  15. W

    is there any work in london?

    Hi,i just moved over here from Dublin and might start a tiling 3 week course up to nvq level 2,is that the normal sort of course everbody here has done?and 1 last thing,is it worth me going into tiling these days,like is there much work out there,i live in woodford in Essex,and if there is(which...



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