
  1. Kyle Knowles

    Play time

    Having recently treated my self to a nice new cordless circular saw my old rage evolution is sat gathering dust so I just ordered my self a 180mm blade and reducing ring and gonna make my self a tile saw just coz I was bored what's the probability of this working to plan ?? Anyways ill update u...
  2. JP Tiling

    Tilers wanted in the Midlands - full time tilers required

    Morning Folks, We have got a busy few weeks/months/years coming up!!!! If you are looking for work, if you are not quite happy with what you are doing, or where you are doing it, then why not give us a shout. We have sites ALL OVER the Midlands, we have good rates of pay, that is ALWAYS on...
  3. T

    Rubi Rubi all the way or time for a change??

    Hi folks IKnow a couple of lads on here so thought I d seek your advice Tiler though and through 25 years !! Been a ruby man since day one (cutters wise) Thinking of upgrading the ts70... she's seen better days! Should I stay or should I go?? Thinking maybe defecting to the sigma camp? Any...
  4. M

    New Cutter Time - Rubi TP-66-T or Sigma - or Double Rail

    Cutting the last few 50x50 10mm ceramic floor tiles yesterday(terrible homebase tiles). Should have had 4 tiles left over and ended up having none. Using my rubi TS-60 Plus. I think the breaker has had it and its £100 for a new one so have decided to go cutter shopping. I also have a rubi...
  5. Dan

    What tips have saved you time or money?

    Reading through some of the threads lately, and I clocked that now we are really well established, the comfortablity of sharing knowledge is also established. So back in the day a tiler perhaps wouldn't have shared something that he thought his local competitor (fellow tiler) wouldn't have...
  6. Dan

    Test upload more than one image at a time

    You'll thank me for this if it work. Please test uploading more than one image at a time using mobile devices and laptops/computers etc
  7. D

    Tilers needed for full time work

    Looking for good quality wall & floor tilers with an eye for detail. Must have valid CSCS card and driving licence. Tools and PPE can be provided if needed. Ideally you would need your own vehicle, but for the right person a van can be provided.(If taken on full time) I have work that needs to...
  8. J

    New Grinder Time?

    My trusted Bosch angle grinder has finally died on me. It's lasted me an age and took on everything I've thrown at it. Time for a new one. Can anyone recommend a good one? Which one are you using and how do you find it?
  9. B

    Long Time Lurker

    Hi, been a member for a few years now and gained a lot of knowledge from this site. Been tiling now for 13 years but always been an employee but now decided to take the plunge and go self employed. I'm sure this forum will be a great help.
  10. F

    Snap Time

    What do you lads do for your lunch? I never take a pack up, never have, I go to sandwich shop daily for lunch and have a luxury lunch, I don't meet many others that do tho! Most have triangle sarnis!
  11. J

    Holiday Time

    just back from a fantastic time in the African Caribbean cape Verdi 7 days of sun with a nice breeze and fantastic sandy beeches . looking forward to my next one in October off to Sorrento in Italy might ask antonio for some tips on places to visit. so who off were this year
  12. O

    Tanking Days Before Tiles Go On, Is It Ok?

    Bathroom will be tiled soon, probably upto a week from now. However to save time I dont mind tanking the over bath area myself. I have bought an aquaseal kit, in the various steps listed it says a minimum of 6 hours between first and second coat of tanking membrane. Hence time wasted around...
  13. M

    First Time Limestone Floor

    I have a 70m limestone floor to do and having never done one before I have a few questions for you good people. the tiles are between 700 and 1100mm to be laid randomly, honed, with a rustic affect, light but not white in colour. i have a 900mm sigma but I'm guessing that the tile will be too...
  14. S

    Nearly Time...

    Almost ready to start ripping out our other ensuite and redoing it from scratch along with the bedroom. Start in about 2 weeks.
  15. S

    Hello Long Time Return

    Havent been a Tiler For Almost 3 years After Dealing With manic Depression After Losing My Dad Wasent in the Right frame of Mind so i got an Easy job heading Back into the trade and hopefully will be staying nice meet you all
  16. C

    Is It A Good Time To Start Doing Exterior Tiling

    Hi all pros Had a look at a job that is 28m2 patio laying 600x600 Porcelain that will need SLC as concrete looks uneven in places going by the look of it as didn't have my levels on me at the time The weather an't all that atm only time I could start it be in a months time but by then the...
  17. M

    Ascot tiling - full time positions x 5

    FULL TIME - Wall & Floor tiler positions X 5 Guaranteed long term careers for right applicants, MUST SPEAK ENGLISH , TO A DEGREE OF UNDERSTANDING AND BEING UNDERSTOOD EXPERIENCE MINIMUM 3 YEARS *IMMEDIATE START * *BI WEEKLY PAY * 1) On going and New contracts for high end Homebuilders wall &...
  18. JP Tiling

    Full time work - worcs wr1

    As ever we are after more good men!!! We have got a new build housing site in Worcs, nice job using Porcelanosa wall and floor tiles. We would like someone to sit on the site full time working on a m2 Anybody interested must hold CSCS card Get in touch! Jordan
  19. Dave

    Weber Floor Flex Slc , New Faster Setting Time..

    just got the latest CTD product news sheet and noticed the weber floor flex now sets ready to tile in 60 mins at 15mm thick ... Now that is good news ...
  20. R

    Time To Retile A Splashback

    in a show room you have to keep on changing your displays so today out with the old and in with the new so off comes the sales head put on the tiling head and away i go again best part of the job free to just get on with it, apart from answering the phone dealing with clients when your head is...



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