topps tiles

  1. L

    Topps Kamber tiles advice pls

    I have a 153m2 job coming up and have a price from Topps for their Chinese porcelain Kamber tiles @£6.72 each. So, any anybody floor laid any great amounts of these? Are they good and square enough for 2mm gaps? Do they cut OK, my current saw is a Husky flat table with genuine blade, I'm not...
  2. steveaykroyd

    Topps tiles are just the pits

    Well what a frustrating annoying week dealing with guys from topps tiles that sell tiles at extortionate prices that are just not up to scratch I pity the general public that purchase tiles and feel bitterly disappointed
  3. D

    looking for Padova Beige floor /wall tiles (Topps Discontinued)

    Hi after a bathroom calamity I am in need of at least 6 Beige "Padova 10" floor files (45*45) and a 10 Beige "Padova 10" wall tiles (31*45) Discontinued at Topps The Topps tile ref was 810150 (wall) and 810329 (floor) understood Azulindus Marti was original manufacturer and I...
  4. S

    Rosie Simmons Impressioni (pale blue) tiles from Topps Tiles

    Does anyone anywhere have spare pale blue Impressioni tiles (variegated colour, slightly uneven surface) designed by Rosie Simmonds and sold through Topps tiles? Bathroom Tiles - We desperately need them to re-tile a wall of our shower...
  5. O

    Topps Tiles Prices....

    I've just been looking on Topps Tiles website, searching for a tile that I am going to use in the future. Now I don't buy tiles so I couldn't tell you anything about the tiles value for money wise, but who in their right bloody mind is paying that much for adhesive and grout........good thing I...
  6. T

    Topps Tiles Padova 80 Cream

    Hi, I am looking for a couple of floor tiles, Topps Tiles Padova 80 Cream. Any idea where I can get them from? Topps are not very helpful all they have done is confirm that they are discontinued. The tiles we need are square 31.5cm. Thanks Tina
  7. J

    Caspari Antiqued Silver, how would you fix them?

    Present job the customer has chosen Caspari Antiqued Silver Caspari™ Antiqued Silver Tile | Topps Tiles - nice looking tile, better then the website photo. my question, how would you fix them? What it doesn't say on the...
  8. B

    BAL grip adhesive and Topps

    The wife wants to renew kitchen wall and floor tiles and we have been looking for a few weeks now. I don't get to pick :( I just have to fix them! She still hasn't found what she wants so we were into Topps tiles today, one that I have never been in and for a change had on normal clothes and...
  9. H

    Rosie Simmons lace tiles from Topps Tiles

    Does anyone anywhere have spare beige/white lace tiles designed by Rosie Simmonds and sold through Topps tiles We desperately need them to fill in gaps left by a shower that has to be removed
  10. F

    Topps 8mm White Marble

    Hello Guys, Thought I'd run this past you, I've got a customer who in his wisdom decided to visit Topps for his tiles for one of three of his bathrooms. After explaining to him how bad the Travertine he selected was going to look, and the different grades on sale, he thankfully decided to change...
  11. Wishiwasatoptiler

    Topps Tiles

    I have a topps tiles opened near me, probably the only tile shop in a 50 mile radius (excluding the homebase type) Are they worth having accounts with, is their adhesive any good and prices any better than CTD? Think they will do as there's nothing like them in the area. Cheers for any info D
  12. JMC tiling

    To Grout Or Not To Grout? Topps Tiles Encaustic

    Hi guys, Installed some encaustic looking tiles from Topps today, 45x45 with a pre scored grout joint in the middle to make them look like genuine encaustic. Question is, do I grout this joint as it seems a little shallow to me (also they are 2mm so had to make my joints 2mm but can't see how...
  13. D

    Topps Tile 750w Cutter

    Hi All, I'm looking for a tile cutter for DIY use. I've spotted this one and wondered if it is worth the extra money? Electric Cutter 750w | Topps Tiles compared to Portable Wet Saw 750W | Powered Tile Cutters | Electric Tile Cutters Or can you suggest another cutter? I will be using it...
  14. M

    Topps Tiles Ergo Manual Tile Cutter

    I'm looking at getting a new manual tile cutter and saw the ergo range at topps tiles the other day. I was originally going to get a Rubi but these Ergos look and feel like a good piece of kit. Has any pros here got or used one and if so is it any good?
  15. T

    Topps Tiles Rajah Volcano

    hi all. Looking for some of these tiles for our kitchen. Ideally 3.5 sqm but any will do.
  16. Andy Allen

    Topps Tiles

    Anyone used these tiles from topps before.. There 600 x 600 polished porcelain What they like to fit....are they covered in transit wax , how porous are they? Do you have to seal them before fitting. Got a customer wants 30 m2 fitting. Cheers.
  17. C

    Fila And Topps Tiles

    Hi, has anyone had a similar experience ....... I bought some split face tiles in Oyster. When I was researching I noticed a sample that was a nicer, darker colour and asked the Top Tiles (TT), sales person why that was. He stated they were sealed ones. When I purchased them I asked for a...
  18. Wishiwasatoptiler

    Topps Tiles

    Just been to measure up a plastering job and we get talking about his bathroom that he's just tiled. He was saying tops tiles wouldn't take the remaining tiles back. I assumed any full unopened box's could go back to all shops but they were told it had to be over £50 return value. States on the...
  19. O

    Topps Tiles Trade Account

    Is it worthwhile having a trade account with Topps to get some % discount? I don't deal with buying tiles and don't have a Topps Tiles within 30 miles of me anyway,so never had an account. But I have a valued,repeat customer who has chosen their floor tiles from Topps, but at a horrendous £65m2...
  20. Two-Trowels

    Topps Adhesive

    Anybody use Topps adhesive? just had a thing through the post giving me log on details for the trade section of their website and see their own brand adhesive is as little as under £8 plus vat per bag. I know it's made by Palace but have never used that either - is it any good?

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