
  1. H

    top tiler award on twitter

    Hi all. I've entered a job for the top tiler award on twitter and would appreciate anyone who uses it to vote for the job they think best ;)# cheers all
  2. B

    Joined Twitter

    Hi Ladies & Gents Im now on twitter, @BDuckettceramic Im leaving the dark ages behind
  3. J


    I know some of you do the odd tweets, and may have seen I've been a bit lucky this week ;) First I won a French hamper from HardieBacker then today a fitbit thing and some goodies from Schluter and another prize from hardiebacker of tickets to a Burlesque show. What will tomorrow bring..... ;)
  4. Dan

    Tile Related Companies On Twitter

    Okay so I thought I'd knock up a thread linking to the twitter accounts for all the tile adhesive related companies that I can find. I'll categories them as best I can. If you respond with some, please note what category they'd fit in so I can edit this original post and create one huge list for...
  5. High Peak Tiling


    Hi guys, recently made a twitter account which is looking good so far, I have found Lee from tile town.. Is anyone else on there? If you'd like to follow me, i shall return the 'following' :)
  6. S


    Just currently using social media to promote my business and would appreciate some of you huys and gals to follow/add me Twitter Smltiling Facebook sml tiling sean lewis Will return the favour Thanks sean
  7. Dan

    Free pair of Redbacks Kneepads Competition on Twitter If you're on twitter, you can win a pair of Redbacks Kneepads to save those old knees.
  8. D

    Twitter Anyone ?? just starting so if you want to follow me :sofahide: then i will follow you back :hurray: Brand new to me so don't expect much :lol:.....cheer's everyone.
  9. chris.tiling


    I am really getting into the modern world now...I have a twitter page too! follow me on @tilingchris and I will reciprocate. Not sure if there is already a thread on this so apologies if there is a combined one...I did a quick search and couldn't find it. Ta very much
  10. C

    Pardew sacked - twitter rumours

    Expected Friday departure. tony pulis walks today ? Coinkydink? Hope not rafa in if anything??????
  11. R

    RUBI UK on Facebook and Twitter in English!

    Hiya, RUBI now have a Facebook in English, why not 'Like' our page: :welcome: And we're also on Twitter too, click the link to 'follow' us: Broken Link Removed and we'll follow you straight back. :thumbsup: We will keep you updated on product info and...
  12. Dan

    Football Transfers being done via Twitter these days!

    If anybody thinks its not genuine. Had me in stitches that did!
  13. D

    Just seen this on twitter PMSL..

  14. Dan

    David Howe Tiling win Walls and Floor Competition on Twitter

    David Howe Tiling wins Walls and Floor Competition on Twitter. Whilst this thread has been bumped up for sure, just because I replied to it, it doesn't mean it's current discussion. I'm just borrowing a post or two to help Dave's site a little. Please feel free to reply to this thread if you...
  15. P

    Follow us on Twitter .

    Hi Tilersforums members , follow us on twitter (and we also follow back) for up to date deals etc.
  16. G

    Twitter followers

    Just got an email saying another tiler local to me was following me on Twitter. Hmmm i thought, never heard of this one. Anyway I investigated to find a very basic website and a couple of phone numbers. There were also a few feedback comments. I thought oh dear more competition and then I saw a...
  17. M

    Facebook and Twitter...

    Hi Everyone!! Mapei, leading manufacturers of adhesives, sealants and chemical products for building, have joined social networking websites, Facebook and Twitter. Mapei are excited to use their Facebook Fan Page and Twitter profile as a new way to engage existing customers and hope to...
  18. P


    Does body use this for business ? Mine is @prceramics or personal @therealrodmell I will follow you back
  19. D

    deleting Twitter followers?

    Just joined Twitter today, and there's a couple of dodgy followers following me, anybody know how I delete them and stop future *** followers?
  20. Y


    Still don't understand it !!! Am i thick ? How can it help my business ?



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