
  1. Dan

    New Feature: Social Media Buttons (Facebook, Goolge+, Twitter etc)

    I've just added a new feature to the forum which expands on the existing Facebook 'like' feature. Now you'll find buttons on many pages, for many social networks. Please do like each thread that you find interesting, the more threads liked, the better. And please click 'Like' in the forum...
  2. D

    Looks like i have won a roll top bath on Twitter..

    Entered this comp.. COMPETITION - Enamel Bath Resurfacing,Re Enamelling & Repairs. on twitter and i got a message saying i have won..:hurray:
  3. D

    Twitter site valued at 3.7 billion

    Twitter is valued at 3.7 billion but only earns around 50 mill from adverts etc.. but they are to introduce a new advertising scheme for customers and you can advertise on Twitter and when someone replies to your advertising tweet then you get charged.. i wonder how advertises will get sneaky...
  4. P

    Twitter, how dose it work?

    I've just started a twitter account but can't see what the point in it is. Can anyone shead any light on this new phonanom? Every one is banging on about tweeting this and tweeting that but I can't understand what its all about.
  5. B

    twitter? does anybody use it for business?

    ive just joined twitter recently after a conversation i had with a close friend of mine who is a director of a large pr and marketing company where ilive, and he was saying that twitter is an excellent way to network with business' to keep your name about and possibly pick up potenial cilents...
  6. Dan

    Follow us on Twitter

    Please follow us on twitter to keep up to date with what's going on with our forums. I was going to make an account for each forum but it seemed pointless as it'll only be the traders amongst the forums that would want to follow us so I thought a single...



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