
  1. R

    The New Warmup Ultralight Board - anygood?

    Has anyone used the new 6mm Ultralight Board from warmup. Any opinion, experience with it? Is it worth it. Looking to install it on a Concrete Kitchen floor under El. UFH and porcelain tiles?
  2. S

    Tanking with warmup dcm pro

    What's your tiling question? Pictures can be Hi I'm about to start a wetroom next week. I'll be using warmup dcm pro for the first time and I'm a little confused how I go about tanking it around the tray. I know there is a self adhesive waterproof tape available for it but I can't get my...
  3. V

    Warmup DCM pro not problem

    Hi all, I am amidst a DIY bathroom renovation and have just laid down my DCM pro mat and cable (4.5 sqm). However this morning i noticed that the matting has not stuck down as well as i expected in a few places along the perimeter of the room. I can lift the matting edges quite easily in a few...
  4. C

    Heatmiser NeoStat-e on warmup UFH

    Just checking. I’m having a warmup UFH wire laid and I’ve bought a Heatmiser NeoStat-e rather than a warmup thermostat. Will this be ok? Thanks
  5. J

    Warmup DCM pro heating system

    Used warmups DCM pro heating system this week for the first time . For those that don’t know It’s basically warmups version of ditra heat with cable going into the decoupler. Also the matting is self adhesive and F*** does it stick (to primed insulation boards) Amazing system anyway...
  6. N

    Warmup insulation board

    Hi I am currently doing my bathroom and before tiling the floor had planned on laying 6mm warm-up insulation board directly on to my existing floor which is 22mm tongue and groove floorboards. Can anyone advise if ok to do this as there is little information to be found online.
  7. Q

    Warmup DCM Pro Trade morning

    Warmup DCM Pro Trade morning at @Tile Superstores Ringwood plus free breakfast!! I will be going and hope to see some other members there too if you can make it.
  8. F

    Warmup dcm pro heating

    Anyone used it ? DCM - PRO System | Heated Floor Mat | Warmup - http://www.warmup.co.uk/underfloor-heating/electric/dcm-pro-system There's a video on there, that self adhesive mat... really ?
  9. W

    Customer wants Warmup

    Ive got a customer who's adamant that he wants warmup ufh. I don't normally use this so where's the best place to get it from.seen a place online called underfloor heating store I think and 16 sqm comes in at around £700 with 4ie stat. Does this sound reasonable and has anyone used this shop...
  10. B

    Warmup Underfloor Not Getting Hot

    Hi my bathroom has underfloor heating and i had some work done in bathroom and now its not heating up the control panel says it is bt nothing any help would be good
  11. G

    underfloor heating on bitumen floor

    hey guys In 2 minds wether to put underfloor heating in my kitchen. I've currently got a bitumen floor which I've read you cannot put it directly onto the floor. Now will 6mm boards be ok to put down then lay it on top of that? (trying to minimise the height of the finished floor level). Is...
  12. V

    Warmup UFH 1.8mm cable - does it need levelling compound?

    Hi all, I'm in the process of getting all set up for a first floor refurbishment on my property which includes the installation of electric underfloor heating in wetroom. I've come across a loose wire system from Warmup and it mentions the wire is 1.8mm thick and you can apply tile adhesive...
  13. Q

    Little loyalty gift from Warmup

    Came home tonight to find this [emoji4] Very happy bunny!
  14. Dan

    Installing Warmup 3IE Thermostat

    http://www.tilersforums.com/tile-news/71849-thinner-sensor-warmup-s-3ie-energy.html#post726663 Anybody installed one of these yet? Are they as cool as they look, or am I just a sucker for tech?
  15. J

    Warmup Insulation Board over Hardiebacker???

    Hi All, The bathroom is still coming along and despite loads of life issues slowing it down it's going well. I discovered that installing 10mm Warmup insulations board would make my life easier in terms of installing the probe as opposed to digging through the already installed 6mm Hardi that...
  16. B

    New Warmup 4IE by Christmas

    I heard today about the new stat coming out hopefully by Christmas. It was going to be called the 4IE stat but there is another on the market out there with a similar name which is pure mince & they don't want the new stat tarnished because of this. So new name unknown as yet. So far I've heard...
  17. A

    Warmup tape not sticking

    Hello sorry to keep posting but I'm new to this and want to resolve my main tiling issues Most jobs I use slc over warmup and no matter which primer I use warm ups own or different acrylic ones depending on which slc and adhesives I'm using I find the tape lifting once the slc is poured on...
  18. AliGage

    Warmup, think i got a deal?

    Think i got a bit of a bargain today, so thought i'd share. Got a customer that wants UFH under slate in their conservatory. Been shopping around to try and get the best deal on warmup, customer is insisting on that brand because they want the gucci stat. Anyway, i popped in to Topps to have a...
  19. J

    uheat vs warmup vs prowarm

    hey, ive been reading on this site and It seems the popular choice is between uheat, warmup and prowarm. My ensuite will require 2.5sqm (after deducting the necessary) Uheat is the priciest of the three but within my budget so i don’t mind either of these but being new to this, would really...
  20. Dan

    20m2 Warmup installation in Essex this week!

    http://www.tilersforums.com/im-looking-wall-floor-tiler/60425-looking-someone-install-warmup-underfloor-heating.html Seems a straight forward job if anybody is local to them. Insulation and cable installation but not the tiling as it is a last thought.



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