
  1. D

    Weekend Slurps..

    Well you orrible lot....:smilewinkgrin: What is one's choice of alcohol tonight... Me>>>>>
  2. D

    Weekend off.

    Well that's me finished now till Monday..:hurray: Anybody else off all weekend..?
  3. D

    Working the weekend.

    Anyone working the weekend..? Got a marble floor to start..
  4. D

    Weekend slurps..

    What we all drinking this week end then..? :):) Me.. few bottles of...
  5. D

    It's the weekend.

    What you all up to over the weekend. Me! Grouting a floor (blk grout) then a few slurps. Sent from my iPhone
  6. kilty55

    this weekend

    anything exciting this weekend folks..what are we all up too i managed to get a ticket to the amatuer boxing night in front of edinburgh castle last night...edinburgh fought london amatuers and was a great night out only a tenner a ticket also few ciders for me tonight and then fishing...
  7. D

    What you up to this weekend

    Working today. What you up to this weekend ? Sent from my iPhone
  8. D

    What's your plans this weekend.

    I have been invited to an outside birthday party , a singer has been organised and also a rodeo bull .. along with BBQ..:thumbsup: What you up to..?
  9. D

    Who's off all weekend.?

    Meeeeee :hurray:.. what about you.?
  10. N

    tilers needed for weekend 25/26 june commercial floor in stoke on trent

    need 4 tilers to do a commercial floor in stoke on trent over the weekend, roughly 95m2 in total. Asking for 5 tilers to make sure nothing goes wrong. please email me at [email protected]
  11. D

    Anyone working the weekend.?

    I'm in tomorrow but off Sunday.:) And you...??
  12. D

    Bank hols weekend

    Anybody off? I am. :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. D

    What is ones choice of drinky poo's this weekend.

    I went to work this morning and got back at 1:30pm and then showered and changed then off to Wynard home and garden show.. where PHG are displaying a huge stand.. Then left to go home and pick the wife up and then out for tea to the pub..:thumbsup: and just logged on with a nice cold Bulmers...
  14. H

    Stag weekend

    Yes, i'm off on one first thing in the morning so i'll not be on here. lol. It's one of my brothers stag party. We're heading to Carrick On Shannon in Co.Leitrim in the south of Ireland. Booze cruise on the River Shannon tomorrow evening. 4 star hotel and nightclub etc pubs galore. Should...
  15. M

    radio 1's big weekend

    i'm after tickets for the above for my daughter for her birthday, the tickets are free but oversubscribed so they then go in a ballot favouring local people (carlisle is the venue) north east and north west and borders qualify. if someone is able to get 2 tickets for me (it's free to register) i...
  16. Andy Allen

    F1 starts this weekend

    so then gents and ladies whos going to win this year? i would love lewis or jenson to do it, however i think it will be alonso or a red bull.
  17. D

    Working the weekend.

    Anyone working this weekend.. Got finished early on this job this week... so off till Monday now... Yes Strummer 3 days off..:hurray:
  18. D

    The Chill Out Zone...

    YouTube - Shaggy - Luv Me, Luv Me ft. Samantha Cole
  19. D

    weekend football matches

    some big games this weekend, I'm hoping for a Man utd win against Wolves,, Toon to beat Arsenal and Chelski v Liverpool to be a draw. What are you guys hoping for?
  20. P

    Rugby Internationals the weekend.

    Any one catch any of the matches? How please am I that my beloved England are coming in to form in ggod time for next years world cup. I said as soon as Jonno took on the job that he would build a world cup winning England side. As for the All Blacks! WOW Shocking!!! But have they peeked to...

