
  1. S

    xmas TV

    Not impressed with whats been on the box this xmas very poor in my area :thumbsdown:
  2. D

    No chance of a White Xmas..

    absolutely hammering it down with rain here in South Lakes,,,what's it doing in your neck of the woods?
  3. R

    How many of you are all ready for Xmas?

    Anybody here been really organised and can now enjoy the day or two leading up to crimbo? Why do I doubt it? :lol:
  4. judge

    xmas drinkies

    how come im so thirsty today when i drank loads yesterday on the works do ????? and who left pizza outside my front door ?????:lol:
  5. Del W

    More xmas mush

    Got this from my sister,not my cup of tea at all. but she knows that.! http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/preview/flash/bws8Shell_fps24.swf?ihost=http://ak.imgag.com/imgag&brandldrPath=/product/full/el/&cardNum=/product/full/ap/3166187/graphic1 Merry Christmas to all at TF.
  6. A

    costa del sol over xmas

    Not tile related but has anyone had any experience of costa del sol over xmas?(benalmedina/torremolinos). Booked for xmas eve for a week? Anyone know if its warm or if everythings open(pubs in particular).sick of the weather here.cheers
  7. D

    Thank you... and Merry xmas and a prosperous 2012

    Hi TF members... Can i just say a BIG!! thank you for your continued support and input to the biggest Tiling/tilers forum in Europe.... Second biggest in the world to JB forum in canada..:) The forum would not be what it is without good members like yourselves, who give up their spare time to...
  8. D

    Our thoughts go out to the Armed forces this xmas.

  9. D

    Xmas dinner, what's your plans?

    We're at home with probably sister-in-law and her family this year, but throwing convention outta the window and having lamb instead of turkey, ( I :drool5::drool5: lamb!) what you 'orrible lot doing this Xmas?
  10. D

    The Xmas drinks deal 2011 thread.

    List any good deals on drink for Xmas.. :) Tescos's today....... 10 can packs of Carlsberg export x 4 = £25....:thumbsup: Other brands as well.
  11. G

    Ok lets have your Xmas jokes

    Three men men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. 'In honour of this holy season' Saint Peter said, 'You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.' The first man fumbled through his pockets, pulling out a lighter. He...
  12. Andy Allen

    how long you having off for xmas.

    so then, how long you going to have off work for xmas, do you have a week off, 2 weeks, or do you eat your turkey and get right back to it..:lol:
  13. R

    Xmas shopping...

    Any of you guys started your crimbo shopping yet? Every year I say "next year I will start really early" and then leave it til Xmas eve.
  14. D

    Anyone seen any xmas decorations up yet..?

    Not be long before the xmas light crew over the road set up their display..:mad2: Anybody seen xmas lights up yet.?
  15. D

    The xmas work rush.

    Has the mad!!! i want my bathroom/kitchen etc all tiled for xmas rush started for you yet..?........:rolleyes5:
  16. G

    Great xmas story for any motorcyclists

  17. F

    Wivers Xmas message

    Wivs was on tf the other night so I thought i would catch up on his blog Laugh it won't kill ya!
  18. S

    merry xmas everyone

    merry xmas everyone,very quiet till febuary anyone got anything big to which they need 3 tilers,cheers n all the best lads n ladies
  19. M

    xmas tip!

    I had a nice xmas tip on xmas eve off the lovely people i've been working for, £200 ! really nice to get the cash but i'm also made up they think my work is worth that much extra. I think i'll treat myself to a new sat nav :thumbsup:
  20. kilty55

    xmas party

    anyone gonna join me in some music and refreshmants :8: YouTube - Night Writers - Let the Music (Use You) (stereo)



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