I can talk to you about Dijon mustard if that's any help?
It was Mandarin Stone I laid, hammered finish limestone, 5mm joints laid into 24:1 sharp sand and cement, semi dry with SBR slurry done in stretches. The grout was hand made soft washed sand, snowcrete and yellow colouring. I sprinkled water into the joints then soft brushed the dry mix into joints, then compacted with trowel. The mix pulls the water up then after a time pointed and brushed away excess.It'll be a dry mix wetted!
Forgot to say regards the hardcore, I got the contractors to roll it tight, then put in a 1 inch bed of sharp sand raked and rolled tight then dampened and used building paper!Stone supplier has recommended fitting their 20mm (900x600) stone outside on a 50mm sand/cement bed over hardcore. Sbr slurry on the back to reduce staining.
Anyone believe this is a correct method of installation or what are your alternatives.
Your thoughts please.
I would do a much stronger mix for the sand and cement 10 or 8 : 1It was Mandarin Stone I laid, hammered finish limestone, 5mm joints laid into 24:1 sharp sand and cement, semi dry with SBR slurry done in stretches. The grout was hand made soft washed sand, snowcrete and yellow colouring. I sprinkled water into the joints then soft brushed the dry mix into joints, then compacted with trowel. The mix pulls the water up then after a time pointed and brushed away excess.
Be too strong for semi dry too much cement and will make it brittle, and more likely to ballI would do a much stronger mix for the sand and cement 10 or 8 : 1