Discuss 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspapers in the Tilers' Talk - All Other Countries area at TilersForums.com.


Deleted member 1779


I appreciate all of the comments and have decided to take a huge business risk (financial risk) by running the ad.

Like any gamble it can pay off both ways. The ad agencies now have this completed copy and as soon as a slot opens up we run...

**Original Post**

Can you help? 365Drills has just finished artwork for an ad campaign which will be published in the national newspapers within the next few months.

This is the first time I have ever done an "off the page" ad and we are jumping straight into the deep end with a full page, full colour, full country coverage in The Sun newspaper.

This is the finished advert awaiting a slot

The reasons we chose The Sun is nothing to do with the marketplace but to do with numbers. 3.2 million readers. And we have gone full page, full colour so that whatever feedback we get we cant blame it on the ads being too small or being missed.

Obviously as you can imagine we are about to sink a substantial amount of money into this one day ad campaign so looking for maximum impact.

If you choose to help you will be helping a small British company with six people to survive the recession, keeping jobs here and promoting a product that gives value for money.

I want your help and without guiding you can I ask if you do decide to post anything below that it gives me feedback so that I can make changes and alter the ad. Comments like "looks ok" or "go with it" are fine but what I really need is something thought provoking.

Perhaps you know nothing about tiling, have just dropped into this forum for the first time. Or a long term tiler with years of experience and have spotted a huge mistake in the ad. Or you may even just be browsing this forum for ideas on your own bathroom and dont feel like you can comment.

I welcome comments from strangers, lurkers, regulars in fact anyone who dropped in to read this post. Your point of view is valid.

So what comments am I looking for?
1) Your ad says ...... and in my view alienates this section of society.
2) If I were a tiler working on a job and I opened the paper what puts me off buying is....
3) As a builder if I read this part of your ad I would think...
4) I would never buy this because....
5) What would make me buy this is if I read....
6) You didn't explain.... properly. I was confused about
7) You need to make the price savings bigger / smaller / change colour (why?)
8) You have the ad just right. Dont change a thing, launch it and see what happens...
9) Small comment but if you just change / alter .... then such and such would buy
10) I didnt believe your claims. You should have put... Deleted... Added...

Anything along that sort of line is going to really be helpful. As I said above the cost of these ad's are not exactly at credit crunching prices (newspapers seem to know about a recession but haven't priced to suit it !)

One final comment is that we know about typos in the ad. For example on the price is states £49.99 and in the coupon its £49.95 so I am not looking for any proof reading of the detail. I am looking for comments about everything else. And also please note that we WILL do other papers if this one works out well with the sun.
Daily Mirror
Daily Mail
Daily Express


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Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap

If you are aiming at the DIY market I think it may work. Professional tradespeople may be put off as the advert looks a bit like a JML style product.
Also will the £49.99 price point be a little too high for the diyer doing a one off job?
If I didnt already know how good 365 drills are, I wouldnt buy 365 drills on the strength of the Sun advert.
As a professional tradesman I think the advert makes the drills look like a bit of a gimmick. But if its the diy market you are targeting, this advert in combination with a lower price point may well pay dividends, just depends if your profit margins would allow this!

Well done for asking for feedback, not an easy thing to do.


Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap

I would tend to agree with Frostfree that the ad does look dare I say, a little cheesy, and to my mind is too busy with too much text and not enough focus. Also you need to differentiate your product from normal (cheaper) tile drills by stressing your products suitability for hard materials which normal tile drills won't touch. The DIY market will just think that a tile drill does what it says and won't know about the difficulties of drilling porcelain.


Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap

I've got to agree with frostfree and graybags; whenever i see this type of ad in the Sun, i always think of those little booklets you get in papers/magazines with all the really cheap "handy" items. The sort of thing that looks great in the pics, but in the flesh is just cheap n nasty. I dunno, maybe i'm just cinical!?!
Like the guys have said though, depends who you're aiming at. ;)

Mark B

Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap

Hi Richard,

I tend to agree with the other comments - the reason being that it looks just too "busy"

I think there is also a typo, marked on attached image.


SORRY - just read your comment about typos!


  • sunadvert - typo.jpg
    68.4 KB · Views: 96
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Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap


You wanted the replies to be thought proviking......

Why the Sun?

Yes it has a huge circulation, but the vast majority of those people wouldn't be interested, I think because the product is too specialised, a bit like advertising fast setting tile adhesive in the Sun. Besides anyone can now walk into B&Q or Focus and buy these types of drills now.

Unless you're getting the advertising space very cheap then I personally think your money could be better spent elsewhere.

There are a huge range of builder's rags that are better placed for this. Alternitively there are still a number of homebuilding magazines. Screwfix does well in the taboids because their stock is broad enough to appeal to most (men like power tools etc). Bizarrly enough if you bundled your bits with a cheap sexy looking cordless drill you may do better!

Sun readers range from truck drivers to canteen staff to site workers to anyone who is waiting for a takeaway. Although there will be many DIYers within the Sun readership, you are focusing on one of many DIY areas in the house. Also, if you were advertising a clever little paint gadget then I would say the appeal is mainstream enough to justify the Sun. Also, most people still think you can drill through any tile with a masonery bit, they don't yet know that you can't, so they will be thinking that they can put a mirror up with a masonery bid at £1 or so, why spend £50? Most bathrooms are still tiled in ceramics and the first thing the average DIY monkey will do is try a masonery bit, and will probably succeed.

Also, the vast majority of people who do need such a drill and know that they do, will not need the £50 set containing the larger drills. They will only need the 6mm and 8mm bits, these are what you should really be pushing, explaining that larger sizes are also available. Then you can go in at £29.99 or so.

If you're going to go with the Sun, then you need Nicki or someone else who can add similar glamour to the product to feature, not some fat bloke on the bottom left hand corner holding a phone to his ear. Most blokes stop flicking though the paper when they see a good looking young lady, that's why Yes Car Credit etc were so popular in there. They had pretty ladies in whos' mouths butter wouldn't melt, and presentible families getting into their new family hatchbacks, not some fat bloke on the DSS getting into a 2 year old Vectra, although the fat bloke on the DSS was probably fairly representative of a large part of their market.

Anyway those are just my thoughts Richard. It's a good product but you will no doubt know that competition is creeping in now. Both Focus and B&Q stock similar products, though not as cheap as yours. I feel that although you were first in the market place this product is fast becoming commonplace, so the cutting edge technology you are claiming probably isn't that cutting edge anymore.

Sorry to be so 'thought provoking'.

...awaits the hate mail :oops:


Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap

i dont usually post replies however i feel quite strongly that you shouldnt go ahead with this advert and should spend your money elsewhere. I dont know exactly how much this advert is going to cost ,but can you realistically see yourself making that back plus profit?

Me personally I think its a good product and as a tiler I wouldnt look twice at the advert. So with this in mind consider what the average sun reader would think.

You are targeting a very niche market, your taget customers are :

Tilers, Plumbers or Bathroom fitters - who are already aware of products like these.

D.I.Yers that happen to be tiling there bathroom and also need to drill holes - a very niche type of d.i.yer

I hope i havnt caused offence and I truly wish you the best of luck , But im sure your advertising budget would be more well spent elsewhere.

Colour Republic

Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap

I have a fair idea of where this add will be placed in The Sun and I know that most people (me included) fly through that section because it's just full of naff products that you can buy in a 'handy 24 month instalment plan' or it's JML. I think you're doing yourself a dis-service by putting your product next to theirs.

I don't think that many people read The Sun for news they read it for a bit of light hearted entertainment or the sport... which brings me to my next point. Screw Fix has been running a small ad on the back page for months on and off. It's distanced its self from the naff products and it also targets its ads for the trade. Far from putting the DIYer off because it's for the trade, it actually encourages them, as straight away it gives the product or company credibility. I would see how the cost for the back page compares

Colour Republic

Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap

oh, on another note, i've been meaning to tell you that when I try to go on your site my anti-virus software (Kaspersky) goes mad. it didn't do this before, just since last week

when i go to open it, it says

Web Anti-Virus

File contains Trojan programe. You are advised to terminate the download

Trojan Program:
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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Re: 365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspap

I like the ad. I'd remove or move the TTA logo though personally, or charge them for your spot. After all, who knows the TTA who reads the paper, they could assume the TTA are even selling the thing for all they know, should they just glance, and they will in the paper I guess.

I couldn't find a reason why - but I'd make the "Save £70" a bit smaller than the "Just 49.99" - Or perhaps I'm thinking have the 49.99 massive. Or perhaps the other way around, as we read left to right, they'll clock the 70 before the 49.99. And you don't want them to assume 'at a glance' that it's 70. Sort of thing.

And then finally, the 4th image of the demo bit, it appears the hole hasn't been drilled all the way through, and what's that behind the whole, some red step ladders or something? I'm sure you have loads more holes more clearly displayed than that lying about?

Perhaps I'm just being picky, perhaps the sun readers will be though too?

Keep us all posted on your findings mate. I'll make sure I subscribe to this thread. :thumbsup:

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365drills needs YOUR help. Feedback required from you re advert National newspapers
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