Just make sure you make as many notes as you can...Mark.
I did the 5 day course at NETT. Best thing I ever did, I am not full time but I make good bloody money from tiling just on weekends (sometimes more than my full time job).
5 day course at NETT last April,self employed the next day.Have had enough each month to pay the bills and some months had LOADS spare.
6 months after the course I did the vast majority of large very high spec bathroom showroom (22 bays out of 32 and 150 metres of trade and customer toilets)They will only pass work on to me because of the standard of my work.
If the course is good,like NETTS then its entirely dependant on the individual.If you are good with your hands,have attention to detail,are a savvy buisness man,are good with people,are willing to work your nuts off and have a bit of luck then theres nothing to stop you going out and having a succesful career after a weeks training.
If you require more of a confidence boost,go for a longer course.
Remember it is down to you,I think about 4 of 12 of us are still tiling from my course,you could tell then on the course the ones that would do well and the ones that would only last a few months.
BEWARE:Many more people that go on the courses don't go on to be full time tilers than the ones that do,at least you will be able to do your own tiling and that alone makes the course worth while.