Nice going, you have to remember you make money with your brain, not with your hands, your brain just tells your hands what to do, however there is only so much physical work you can do in a day or a week therefore your earning potential is governed by this, the big money is made from the likes of whats been said above and add on the extras, Think like a businessman and look for alternative ways to make the money that links to what you are doing as a tiler.
I offered to run a course that would make people think differently to how to make big money like the samples above but only one person out of the whole forum was interested.
Anyway there is money to be made out there, all you need is the motivation, drive and determination and some simple pointers of how to get it, There is a lot of money out there with your name on it, just waiting to be collected, however it will not come to you, if you dont go and get it someone else will pick it up and take whats yours.
Never stop thinking of how you can add ways to make money from what you are doing, it is called link sales for example Clarks shoe shop sells shoes, but how much extra money do you think they make from selling polish, i bet it runs into millions, thats why when anyone buys a pair of their shoes the salesman are told to push the polish, or Macdonalds asking if you would like the large meal when you pay, how many just say yes that would have settled for a regular, how much will they make from the extra large price, millions, so you see you are on a smaller scale to these companies, doesnt stop you thinking like them though and making extra money that you wouldnt have got
Something for you to think about
I offered to run a course that would make people think differently to how to make big money like the samples above but only one person out of the whole forum was interested.
Anyway there is money to be made out there, all you need is the motivation, drive and determination and some simple pointers of how to get it, There is a lot of money out there with your name on it, just waiting to be collected, however it will not come to you, if you dont go and get it someone else will pick it up and take whats yours.
Never stop thinking of how you can add ways to make money from what you are doing, it is called link sales for example Clarks shoe shop sells shoes, but how much extra money do you think they make from selling polish, i bet it runs into millions, thats why when anyone buys a pair of their shoes the salesman are told to push the polish, or Macdonalds asking if you would like the large meal when you pay, how many just say yes that would have settled for a regular, how much will they make from the extra large price, millions, so you see you are on a smaller scale to these companies, doesnt stop you thinking like them though and making extra money that you wouldnt have got
Something for you to think about