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Mr Tiler

I have watched many of these videos and the witness accounts of explosions in the ground floor lobby is just overwhelming and when you have the expert demolition comments saying 'there would not be any sort of big sounds coming from the ground floor unless there were explosives in place' its kind of hard to say there wasn't more to the story than a plane!... but also both buildings apparently collapsed from the top floors and took the rest of both buildings down with it, they woldnt of fell the way they did just straight down like a demolition. but its already been proven that al-Qaeda are a u.s government funded group. so its all in there hands.

Deleted member 9966

I agree that there is compelling evidence around and expert insight to suggest that 9/11 was an inside job. Did anybody come across the testimony where the twin towers were completely closed to everybody - offices, workers, maintenance staff, restaurant staff etc - for a weekend in the weeks leading up to 9/11? Not even security staff were allowed on duty that weekend. Crews of unknown people were seen going into the building with lots of equipment and by Monday morning, offices were covered in fine dust. It's alleged that that weekend is when demolition crews went in to set the explosives and detonators. Looking back, it seems a very callous thing to do in my opinion, to take the lives of over 2000 people, suspend their families in tragedy and heartache for the rest of their lives, in pursuit of terrorism.

I think it's also unlikely that something of this magnitude will ever happen again due to the globally recognised digital age... there's no escape from camera phones, cctv, video cameras and the world wide web.

Concrete guy

Personally I think the conspiracy nuts are just that, nuts.

None of this holds water for me, what would be the value? Really, the USA assassinates whoever it likes whenever it likes without having to cause rigged terrorist attacks in it's own country.

I was in America on 11th September when all this happened, I'm fascinated with it. Films like Loose change and whatever have so many holes them it's absurd.

People will find anything they want to find if they look hard enough.

Mr Tiler

People will find anything they want to find if they look hard enough.
couldn't agree more with that mate there are so many theories which are taken too serious because that is a fact... if you look hard enough you will find it. but in this case I think the evidence is all too blatent and in your face to be ignored or pushed aside. look at whats happening over there now there are thousands of Russian soldier being brought over because they want to disarm all the americans and by law they cant use u.s military to do so, so instead there bringing other troops from foreign nations to set it all up.

White Room

couldn't agree more with that mate there are so many theories which are taken too serious because that is a fact... if you look hard enough you will find it. but in this case I think the evidence is all too blatent and in your face to be ignored or pushed aside. look at whats happening over there now there are thousands of Russian soldier being brought over because they want to disarm all the americans and by law they cant use u.s military to do so, so instead there bringing other troops from foreign nations to set it all up.

I've never heard of that one and the Americans have the right to arms, that won't go down well with former communist soldiers trying to take there weapons....

Mr Tiler

I've never heard of that one and the Americans have the right to arms, that won't go down well with former communist soldiers trying to take there weapons....

its not all over the papers that's why... the most you would of heard is that Obama wants to disarm America have you not heard about that? apparently it is against there human rights to use there own forces to disarm the civilians so instead they plan to bring other forces in to make it happen.

White Room

I have had a lot of time on my hands the last couple of years and this subject is something I have deeply researched im not a nut job 'honest' lol. But everybody seems too busy to think about anything other than work, bills and money money money to realize whats happening to even our once proud nation.

There is a quote "Keep a nation in fear, keeps them in control" or similar.

Diamond Pool Finishers

couldn't agree more with that mate there are so many theories which are taken too serious because that is a fact... if you look hard enough you will find it. but in this case I think the evidence is all too blatent and in your face to be ignored or pushed aside. look at whats happening over there now there are thousands of Russian soldier being brought over because they want to disarm all the americans and by law they cant use u.s military to do so, so instead there bringing other troops from foreign nations to set it all up.
Well i have never heard of this Mr T, do you have any evidence you can post to support this statement PLEASE .........


The US were itching to pile into Iraq/afghan back then.....looking for non existent Weapons of so called mass destruction?

They couldn't just walk in.....they needed an excuse.

The report on the Twin towers was done in secret by a US gov, and no trace of explosives were even looked for, let alone found. 400 truck load were carted away hurriedly......and sent to China for recycling....in so called secret. No independent reports have been done on it.
Experts in all fields have been turned away, architects with 40 years experience in design/fireproofing these high rise buildings have said these buildings would NOT burn or collapse in the way they did......."without help"

I, like most, don't wont to believe these theories, but the evidence saying otherwise has to be listened to.

:smilewinkgrin: Gives me something to do when crap factor is on anyway.

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