To be honest most of these 'documentries' can be easily dismissed without too much trouble.
A lot of them plaster the word 'Evidence' all over the programmes, usually in big letters
'EVIDENCE' there you go. However alot of it isn't evidence at all and a quick search can prove they have either fabricated this evidence or used it out of context for their own means. Now who's trying to fool who?
I'm not saying that some of these programmes don't have merit but do try and do a spot check on some of their claims after you have watched them. Pick out a few of the biggest claims and dig deep to check them and check the context. I wouldn't take anything at face value.
I only watched about half that programme so far but if at the end of it, it sounds credible, i'd start checking out the architects that appreared on it and then the bit about not checking for explosives is of course a big claim that I would have thought was
standard proceedure in a terrorist attack! They present 'Evidence' that this was not tested for and the Nisk even admitted as such... but back up again. What was and how was the question asked?
If the question asked was "Did you find evidence of explosives in the green sofa which was placed on the 42nd floor lobby" You might expect the answer to come back. "No we did not find evidence of this or even test it". That's very different than saying none of the building was tested.
The bit about 400 lorries a day carrying away debris and it being quickly shipped to China. Did that in fact happen? or did 1 or 2 lorry loads find themselves on a ship to China a few days after because it was not deemed important? and now it is presented as fact. Again it's easy to twist half truths so I wouldn't take any programmes claims as gospel until you've checked parts of their story out yourself.
The trouble with not doing so, is that these claims get repeated very quickly on the internet and then it becomes the 'truth' very quickly.
I've no idea if it was an inside job or not. I certainly wouldn't put it past any govenment to do so but I wouldn't believe these programme makers either.