Discuss 911 conspiracy theories?? in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


I do believe it was an inside job and looked into the conspiracy theory quite a bit.
There's lots of evidence and hear say that suggests the US was at least in on it. There's lots of videos and documentaries too. Best i found was "loose change 911" Google it and have a look.

The buildings came down from mid way up the buildings. You can see charges going off in a slow mo of the first collapse. They go off some 20 floors below impact. They collapsed like a demolition. Straight down not impacting any buildings surrounding them.

The steel structure of the building was molten over a week after the incident. The temperature to melt the steel needed to be greater than aviation fuel.

A new insurance policy was taken out on both buildings not long before September 11 covering the buildings from terrorist attacks in particular from planes.

Some of the passengers that were supposed to be on the plane have been found!

One of the jet engines found at the pentagon site not only would not of survived the flames from the crash but was the wrong engine for the modal that hit.

The list goes on...

Colour Republic

To be honest most of these 'documentries' can be easily dismissed without too much trouble.

A lot of them plaster the word 'Evidence' all over the programmes, usually in big letters 'EVIDENCE' there you go. However alot of it isn't evidence at all and a quick search can prove they have either fabricated this evidence or used it out of context for their own means. Now who's trying to fool who?

I'm not saying that some of these programmes don't have merit but do try and do a spot check on some of their claims after you have watched them. Pick out a few of the biggest claims and dig deep to check them and check the context. I wouldn't take anything at face value.

I only watched about half that programme so far but if at the end of it, it sounds credible, i'd start checking out the architects that appreared on it and then the bit about not checking for explosives is of course a big claim that I would have thought was standard proceedure in a terrorist attack! They present 'Evidence' that this was not tested for and the Nisk even admitted as such... but back up again. What was and how was the question asked?

If the question asked was "Did you find evidence of explosives in the green sofa which was placed on the 42nd floor lobby" You might expect the answer to come back. "No we did not find evidence of this or even test it". That's very different than saying none of the building was tested.

The bit about 400 lorries a day carrying away debris and it being quickly shipped to China. Did that in fact happen? or did 1 or 2 lorry loads find themselves on a ship to China a few days after because it was not deemed important? and now it is presented as fact. Again it's easy to twist half truths so I wouldn't take any programmes claims as gospel until you've checked parts of their story out yourself.

The trouble with not doing so, is that these claims get repeated very quickly on the internet and then it becomes the 'truth' very quickly.

I've no idea if it was an inside job or not. I certainly wouldn't put it past any govenment to do so but I wouldn't believe these programme makers either.

Mr Tiler

when you have some time watch this..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X30M9h8xqVo its completely mad but if you like all the theory stuff its deffinately worth a watch. its about the apparent devil worshipping cult the illuminate and its heavy influence within the music industry and there is much evidence to suggest that it is true. but I think this sort of stuff is made up by a lot of the artists themselves... they all run in the same circles and any press is money to them lol. but the micheal Jackson stuff is crazy!

White Room

when you have some time watch this..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X30M9h8xqVo its completely mad but if you like all the theory stuff its deffinately worth a watch. its about the apparent devil worshipping cult the illuminate and its heavy influence within the music industry and there is much evidence to suggest that it is true. but I think this sort of stuff is made up by a lot of the artists themselves... they all run in the same circles and any press is money to them lol. but the micheal Jackson stuff is crazy!

There plenty on utube about them and Obama ??


when you have some time watch this..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X30M9h8xqVo its completely mad but if you like all the theory stuff its deffinately worth a watch. its about the apparent devil worshipping cult the illuminate and its heavy influence within the music industry and there is much evidence to suggest that it is true. but I think this sort of stuff is made up by a lot of the artists themselves... they all run in the same circles and any press is money to them lol. but the micheal Jackson stuff is crazy!

Not on my iPad.......won't let me. :thumbsdown:

Colour Republic

yeh mate that ones the most compelling and its almost 2 hours long... but watch it all when you have time to make sure you get a good opinion on it it looks crazy at first on about the devil and stuff lol

Most compelling???

That whole video is a joke mate!!

The first 10 mins are dedicated to the word 'Rain Man' being used in lyrics. It asks the question 'Who is this Rain Man?'. errrr quite simply they forget to mention that 90% of the music videos they show which contain this 'mysterious' word are hip-hop based, 'Rain Man' in hip hop referes to someone who flashes the cash, as in making it rain with money. And in one song where they are showing you the lyrics, they forget to leave out the comma. They show it as 'I just can't stand the rain man' instead of 'I just can't stand the rain, man'. It's laughable really

Then the next section starts to show hidden symbols in music video.

In the first video it shows Rihanna splashing water about in her 'Umberella' song claiming it has signs of the devil. They say...

"Basic fluid dynamics will tell you that her body and arm movements can not create the liquid formation you just saw. The liquid has been altered purposely to create the outline of a baphomet's head. Not only that, but the liquid comes out from the location of Rihanna's womb. There is significance to this which will be explained later"

errr sherlock! The liquid hasn't been 'altered' at all, let me tell you there was no liquid in the first place! Rihanna wasn't splashing about in water, the whole thing is digiatally added, and I doubt they cared if the pattens it created were impossible to do with her arm and body movements, they weren't even trying for that.

Hidden symbols in splashes of water? I'm sure given enough freeze framing I could make out hundreds of symbols if I closed one eye and tilted my head slightly.

I stopped watching at that point!

In any case there's hidden symbols in tons of music video's and album artwork. As somebody who once worked in the industry I can tell you it's not some conspiracy, it's done on purpose by design departments either showing their skill, having a laugh or just bored. The artwork department would often ask me "What can you see in this album cover'... "I can see the massive c**k you've drawn in the background Gareth"... "Damn is it that obvious? hmmm i'll tone it down a bit". Another favorite was when creating fake posters which would be placed in album cover background artwork, These would normally be slagging someone off, being generally rude or even satanic messages. Keep in mind the resolution this artwork is designed in but then scaled down to print, so unless you got a magnifying glass out, you'd never see it. No big conspiracy, just artwork department doing exactly what they are paid to do, be creative. If you can see masonic symbols in the background it's them poking fun at the conspiacy theories saying get your mangled head around that!

That programme is not credible in any shape or form!
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Mr Tiler

sorry I think compelling was the wrong word to use... I didn't mean the theory was in anyway true lol.
yes that's why I said in the post earlier they all run in the same circles and I think it is all a fabrication to get more attention which equals more money to them I guess. I don't think the chap is trying to say that the water around rhianna is real tho. but yeh I would agree that the people behind the editing of it all are part of a bigger practical joke lol

Colour Republic

lol no its about his death... towards the end she is saying she knows who it was and that doctor was just the 'fall guy'

- - - Updated - - -

but I wouldn't be surprised if this was in fact true lol

Another video taking up valuable internet space!

Starts making a big point on 'It all ways happens in three's' whoooooo 'What always happen's in threes, what could latoya be refering to?' She's refering to the belief that things happen in threes which is a very common saying, it's a throw away comment. Of course it always happens in threes, in the same way it always happens in 4's, 5's, 6's.... it happenens in blocks of whenever you stop counting. It's the same as people saying "Would you believe it? It was in the the last place I looked!" Of course it was in the last place you idiot! because you stopped looking after that!

As for them asking who mudered MJ and who could she mean when she says he was manipulated. The industry killed him, the industry manipulated him. He couldn't take the strain of the industry and started popping pillls left right and centre to cope, he was manipluated by the industry just like any employer that invests millions of pound in someone manipulates them to get a return on that investment. Yeah the Dr was the fall guy, as he was the guy authorised to prescribe the drugs. It only takes one weak person to go against their professional judgement just to please a superstar or keep the big pay packet. He didn't start the downward spiral, he just ended it.

The funny thing is that on the right hand side of that video are tons of other videos saying the guy is still alive and that Latoya is in on the joke:lol:

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