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The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

The bloke who made the video is a pastor I have looked at his profile so to your answer,God only knows.

I have no issues with anyone who follows a God, be they Christian, Buddist, Jew or any other denomination, I would prefare them to stick to God bothering and leave the tiling to the people who know what they are doing.

Why has youtube pulled the plug? do they not like to hear the truth?

John Benton

I have no issues with anyone who follows a God, be they Christian, Buddist, Jew or any other denomination, I would prefare them to stick to God bothering and leave the tiling to the people who know what they are doing.

Why has youtube pulled the plug? do they not like to hear the truth?

The bloke who owns Youtube is having his bathroom done by this bloke, he saw the advantage of not having any addy mixed with all the dust it caused, silicon obviously a viable solution :smilewinkgrin:

White Room

The bloke who made the video is a pastor I have looked at his profile so to your answer,God only knows.


The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

Where is your sign "By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen, contractor for tiling"? There are 78 bathrooms in Buckingham Palace alone. I assume, since you are Britain's first tiler to attain the coveted "Heritage CSCS Card" that you have tiled all 78 of those bathrooms? I am talking to Britain's greatest tiler am I not?

You jumped up moronic little northerner. Stop posting **** on other people's tiling videos and mind your own business. Stick to doing doorsteps and hallways in Oldham, and racing pigeons and walking your wippet and drinking ale.

I have just received this and more abusive comments from Mr Horses 1234 on you tube, in a previous one he told me that tiling was monkeys work, like cleaning or picking........? I never got the last part, it could have been noses? strawberries? horses? who knows?

Nice to be compared to monkeys, cleaners, no offence to cleaners, or nose pickers for that matter.
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The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

Anyone who challenges your bullying, arrogant behaviour is labelled a "keyboard warrior or a troll". I have noticed that about you Hobson.Â

Cabbages. I said that tiling is about as skillful as picking cabbages. You, By Appointment To Her Majesty The Queen, will no doubt take huge offence at that, but I suspect that a skilled cabbage picker would also be enraged if compared to a mere tiler.

As for me, well, I have no skills. That's what you need to hear isn¨t it. You seem to suffer from narcissistic personality disorder (or thereabouts). You seem to have the need to put everyone else down in order to make yourself feel superior (actually adequate, because deep down you feel lacking).

Well, I have tiled precisely one kitchen splashback, after watching Chris' video. Guess what?  It wasn't too difficult. It turned out okay. Not good enough for the Queen no doubt, but good enough for a paramedic ambulance driver like me.

So, you win Phil. You are so much more worthy and important than me, Eddie Fine, Chris Longhurst, Terry Fahy, and anyone else that dares to pick up a tile without spending 47 years learning the ins and outs of a duck's arse about tiling.

(Yes, that most definitely is sarcasm. Tell you what, cut a main artery on the job and then when me and my colleague arrive to try and keep you alive until we can get you to hospital, we can debate the value to society of our comparative skills. Until then, take a long hard look in the mirror and realise that tiling is NOT a matter of life and death. It is no more difficult to do, or important than, hanging wall paper, or laying carpet. You jumped up idiot).ï

This is his latest pop.


There is a phrase... You can lead a horse to water...

The number of times I have advised people at their request about xyz in what I do for a living only for them to come back for help about abc that they can't get working(

Some people just believe they are right and what they are doing is perfect. Feel for you guys who have spent years perfecting the art of tiling to be ignored.

I saw a car crash due to happen over the weekend in Home base this afternoon, just thought omg!!!
Anyone who challenges your bullying, arrogant behaviour is labelled a "keyboard warrior or a troll". I have noticed that about you Hobson.Â

Cabbages. I said that tiling is about as skillful as picking cabbages. You, By Appointment To Her Majesty The Queen, will no doubt take huge offence at that, but I suspect that a skilled cabbage picker would also be enraged if compared to a mere tiler.

As for me, well, I have no skills. That's what you need to hear isn¨t it. You seem to suffer from narcissistic personality disorder (or thereabouts). You seem to have the need to put everyone else down in order to make yourself feel superior (actually adequate, because deep down you feel lacking).

Well, I have tiled precisely one kitchen splashback, after watching Chris' video. Guess what?  It wasn't too difficult. It turned out okay. Not good enough for the Queen no doubt, but good enough for a paramedic ambulance driver like me.

So, you win Phil. You are so much more worthy and important than me, Eddie Fine, Chris Longhurst, Terry Fahy, and anyone else that dares to pick up a tile without spending 47 years learning the ins and outs of a duck's arse about tiling.

(Yes, that most definitely is sarcasm. Tell you what, cut a main artery on the job and then when me and my colleague arrive to try and keep you alive until we can get you to hospital, we can debate the value to society of our comparative skills. Until then, take a long hard look in the mirror and realise that tiling is NOT a matter of life and death. It is no more difficult to do, or important than, hanging wall paper, or laying carpet. You jumped up idiot).ï

This is his latest pop.
Hes most likely his mate,its could be his kitchen he has tiled,poor fellow probably got him worried.
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