Discuss A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary :D in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.

Hello to all.
I made the mistake of posting on the open forum about pricing....
:ban:? :lol:

I am starting out with my own business over the next coming months. I have spent about 4 years training along side a reputable company based in Essex/Suffolk but covering the whole southern region.

I have my own set prices for:
-Prep work
-Repair work
-Tile installation onto straight,plumb & Level substrates
-Tile installation onto clean but uneven surfaces/substrates
-Floor Tiling.

I know it is a touchy conversation but I am willing to let you know a rough figure of my varied price Job catagories...
As I am starting out I have priced off my own initiative and just considered a rough price for me to earn.

What is your best advice on this matter? bearing in mind I am not out to undercut/ expose anybody.

Thanks guys
Harry @
Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

Prep work @ day rate, whatever your day rate is, ie what you need to earn a day
Repair work, as above or part there of
Comes under prep work to make plumb level etc and then either price pm2 or day rate, again, whatever you need to earn
As above
As above.

Told you it would be cagey lol

Truth is it's very competative out there,if you canmake money at whatever you need to quote and get the job that's a start, the rest will come, eventually, maybe, all the best of luck.
Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

Prep work @ day rate, whatever your day rate is, ie what you need to earn a day
Repair work, as above or part there of
Comes under prep work to make plumb level etc and then either price pm2 or day rate, again, whatever you need to earn
As above
As above.

Told you it would be cagey lol

Truth is it's very competative out there,if you canmake money at whatever you need to quote and get the job that's a start, the rest will come, eventually, maybe, all the best of luck.

HA Ha lol top lad !


Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

It doesnt matter to me what kind of work it is, be it prepping, tiling, repairing etc. I put a time to every element of the job and then work a price out based on my day rate.
Same as Rookery,to be competitive i work on a day rate for all work apart from the larger areas which i go on a meteridge rate.Its trying to find the happy medium where your getting work but not working for nothing :thumbsup:
Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

tell us what prices your thinking of charging, and we can let you know what we think...

I haven't officially opened for business yet so these figures are what I would like to charge. If possible could you give me a heads if they are to high? Cheers guys

Prep work repair work- £13 an hour or £90 day rate
Tiling onto good surfaces- (for a job which takes days not hours) £110 day rate
Tiling onto uneven surfaces- (same as above) £125 day rate
floor tiling- £105 day rate

be gently guys :D
Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

all them added together /4 = £107.50.

Think it'd be easier to go with that... £110

but its no good sticking to a strict dayrate if it means your sat at home watching JK & Loose Women.

I'd get the work on the rates that are achievable first, and then worry about setting your prices after

Del W

Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

Bear in mind 20% tax & Ni. 90 day rate less deductions,less fuel,less ware & tear on van,tools,van insurance,tax, the list goes on & on.You might have to pay rent/mortage,gas electric etc.etc.etc. Work out all your outgoings first.


Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

Its pointless imo to have different rates for everything,what happens if you spend the morning prepping then spend the afternoon finishing a wall and starting a floor ?Spend time in assesing the job before you give youre price in (how many days it will take) and times it by youre day rate.Often you will find that you either finish a job earlier or in my case later than you allowed for.Part of the game i suppose
Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

Its pointless imo to have different rates for everything,what happens if you spend the morning prepping then spend the afternoon finishing a wall and starting a floor ?Spend time in assesing the job before you give youre price in (how many days it will take) and times it by youre day rate.Often you will find that you either finish a job earlier or in my case later than you allowed for.Part of the game i suppose

Yes Bri materials on top.
Thats good words there mate, as another said £110 is cheap.. So if I go cheaper for prep and base jobs around the £110 day rate mark with small adjustments for timing etc as I am happy with £110 a day.
average job @ £110 day rate - tax leaves £88 a day.. -ni/fuel.. Doesn't leave me much better off than minimum wage...
Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

Yes Bri materials on top.
Thats good words there mate, as another said £110 is cheap.. So if I go cheaper for prep and base jobs around the £110 day rate mark with small adjustments for timing etc as I am happy with £110 a day.
average job @ £110 day rate - tax leaves £88 a day.. -ni/fuel.. Doesn't leave me much better off than minimum wage...

Welcome to the real world, a lot of people think a lot of trades make a fortune, guess again

Andy Allen

Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

as others have said, I don't think many customers will pay you x amount of pounds a day, you will need to look at the job, work out how many days it will take, then times it by your day rate and give them a total price....... so if your just starting out and your slow then you could be making next to nothing to begin with, and when you think some pro tilers are working for next to nothing now you may find it hard to make a living........believe you me its not all a bed of roses, and were not all earning 50k a year...
Re: A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary

I know serveral different going rates of my areas. For example: a cleaner can charge 8-12£ an hour... & minimum wage is 6£ an hour... taking any of my prices close to a cleaners rate is taking the 'mickey' !
So a cleaner does 7 hours actual cleaning they'll get £70ish for the day.
I think £80-85 for prep work is reasonable

Reply to A WEE bit of help needed with pricing, exact figures not Necessary :D in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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