A-Z of Hand Tools for Tile Fixing | Tiling Tools - Tiling Trowels

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ADZE.....Beloved tool of the carpenter,and boatbuilder used to shape timber.
ADJUSTABLE SPANNER/WRENCH.....Multi purpose tool,a must for mechanics and plumbers.
ACROW PROPS.... Used by masons for supporting load bearing structures.

AWL..Used by woodworkers,and in textile industry for marking holes.
AXE...For felling,chopping and splitting trees or wood.

ALLEN KEYS..or Hex key..for use with Hex-headed screws or bolts. (thanks to CJ again)
ANGLE GRINDER.. Portable power tool,with a carborundum disc or diamond tipped disc for cutting and honing masonary.

AUGER...A corkscrew type bit for boring timber.
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Re: A to Z of hand tools

BACKSAW...So named as the back was reinforced with brass to strengthen it.​
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Re: A to Z of hand tools

BALL PEEN(PEIN)HAMMER..metalwork hammer for peening rivets and sheet metals.
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Re: A to Z of hand tools

BASIN WRENCH....Plumbers wrench...
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BEVEL....adjustable, for finding and transposing angles (thanks to dhceramics)
BENT NOSED PLIERS..... Pliers with bent jaws
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BICK IRON & BLOWHORN STAKE....Blacksmiths tools for shaping molten iron.
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Re: A to Z of hand tools

BLOCK PLANE....joiners & carpenters tool for cutting across the grain of the wood.
BRICK HAMMER...has one flat traditional face and a short or long chisel-shaped blade. It can thus be used to chip off edges or small pieces of stone without using a separate chisel. The chisel blade can also be used to rapidly cut bricks or cinder blocks This type of hammer is also used by geologists when collecting rock samples.
BRICK TROWEL..is a flat-bladed tool with a handle and flat metal blade, used by masons for leveling, spreading, or shaping substances such as cement or mortar,as well as for breaking bricks to shape them or smoothing a mold. Traditionally a brick trowel is made of carbon steel, until 2002 when the cast stainless steel brick trowel was introduced.The advantages of the stainless steel are that it has longer wear and is rust-free.
BOAT LEVEL... Used for levelling horizontally,and vertically.
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BLOW LAMPS & BLOW TORCHES...Lamps and torches for soldering joints and removing paintwork.
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Re: A to Z of hand tools

BOLSTER CHISEL....A stonemasons tool..very handy for removing tiles !
BOLT CUTTER. Is a tool used for cutting chains, bolts and wire mesh. They typically have very long handles and short blades, with compound hinges to maximize leverage and cutting force.
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Re: A to Z of hand tools

BOWSAW......Carpenters,Joiners & Woodsmans saw .
BRACE... Used manually for boring into timber.
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