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Hi gc havin worked for arvins in the past,i concur they only pay one person outta the squad,what i dont understand is (regardless of daywork owed)why you didnt chase up your retention,from what i remember they paid half of your retention owed after 6 months and the rest after 12 months but you had to ask for your retention to be released,not sure there is a time limit on reclaiming retention,but if there is i bet their brief knows it.
Taking on a firm the size of arvins is an ask For a big company never mind a small crew,be very careful how far you wanna go with this mate could bite you on the bum.

Hope that helps


Hi Gc if your willing to go that way mate i wish you all the luck,you do have something to lose cause you will be liable for costs if you lose,will go to your daywork problem first do you have daywork sheets signed by anyone from arvins or the main contractor?

And to your retention am pretty sure there is a timescale on when you can claim,and to your dad being paid and not you i dont think you have a case mate,the case would have to be between your dad and arvins and as your a 3rd party the chances of getting anything will be minimal.

Am not 100% sure on the law mate this is just my humble opinion.


Right this is what happened with the dayworks, at the start of the job there was no bobcat for 5 days, so we had to wheelbarrow the screed in and if youve worked for arvins before you will know the builder brings in the screed. So because of the bobcat problem our 4 man squad were only doing about 200 meters a day we usually do 400 meters a day, so we starting moaning and the contracts manager said dont worry ill pay the two labours 10dayworks ontop of the meterage that week. So when the cheque came the dayworks were not in it and he said he would put them in at the end of the job, end of the job comes and still no dayworks and then now there trying to just blank it.
Also they cant say im a 3rd party at court as ive done plenty of jobs myself for them.


personally based on what you have said i dont think you have a case im afraid gc

as much as they sound like a shower of gits if you have no evidence in writing that you were to get extra money i cant see how you will prove it

also your dad is the one who will have to take them to court as you are working for him if hes being paid for the squad

its not fair i know but thats how i see it mate


Just got to be carefull on how you approach them if you dont want to burn any bridges.

I have just had a similar problem for approx £500 for a letting agent I did loads of work for. I was at a stage where I had stopped working for other letting agents and a few other clients in order to focuss on the one letting agent who I thought I had a good relationship with.

After them owing me money for this specific job which I waited three months for (my terms are two weeks with them) I eventualy sent an email over to the Managing Director. He took offence to my email demanding money probabl;y becuase I also mentioned that, I felt it would be best for me if I did not accept any further work orders from them untill I had been paid in full for the outstanding invoice.

He said I was been heavy handed and called me the next day to assure me that I would be paid (I was paid that day) but, he was very arrogant and rude on the phone.

I feel that this had left a bad feeling in the relationship and I dont feel happy working for them now due to the way he dealt with me.

The fact of the matter was that I wasnt heavy handed at all, I had made various attemps to retrieve the money owed by contacting his team in the office on numerous occasions. Understandably he personally did not know about the issue, he team did though and as employess they have responsabilty and represent his business so whether he knw or not, I was not being heavy handed it is his desicion to delegate responsabilty to his team otherwise he should have known that I was well overdue for this payment.

I think the problem was partly due to me contacting the wrong people.

My tip for anybody attending future meetings with potential clients prior to doing business with a company is to ask who deals with payments, who to contact when they are overdue and agree strict payment terms from the outset. (This is for anyone reading especialy new guys)

Dont feel pressurised into accepting 30 ir even 60 day terms


the truth is, if you are concerned then it probably means that you dont have the facilities or strong enough cash flow to cater to these requests.

If you do unwillingly accept such terms then you may find that sooner or later you will be left high and dry and in a bad condition.

Cash flow problems is the main reason for busineses failing. Many businesses survive today by hanging on to their cash for as long as possible and if its a larger business it can be worse due to them having monthly payruns so if you miss one they may make you wait untill the next pay run.

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I filled in the online small claims form about 10 days ago, so just waiting on word back from them. As for burning bridges, i know the company will never ask me to do work for them again but i don't even care i wouldn't want to work for a company that's bad payers.

Thats how I felt to mate when these guys showed a bad attitude. Thats the way we all need to deal with these peeps. Its not worth the trouble.
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