He should have mitred the internal corners on the trim.
And I personally leave a 1mm or 2mm grout joint between the trims and the tile.(More forgiving to the eye)
Yes that is the way round that I would have instinctively done the trim unless requested to do it the other way. I again think it is not jointed very accurately which detracts from it. I can see that you may prefer the look from afar done the other way as the thin silver line would match that on the top of the tiling. This is a caution to other prospective tiler clients reading this to specify/check how things will be done.
For a wall to be flat enough to tile then when you put a 2m long straight edge anywhere on the wall there should be no gaps (between straight edge and wall) of more than 3mm. This is so that fixing can be carried out correctly by spreading adhesive on the wall with a notched trowel and then pressing/shuffleing (back buttered if required) tiles into it. Sadly such flat walls are very rarely encountered in domestic properties unless the tiler prepares them! If you have paid for walls to be prepared ready for tiling then this is the flatness that should have been achieved.