Cheers👍To use “traditional” prep methods The surface needs to be clean sound and absorbent. As the surface is currently solid it is definitely sound. Clean … well that’s fairly straight forward… A simple test for the level of absorbance is the water drop test. Get a few drops of water (you could use perhaps a spent lateral flow test bottle or similar) to put a few drops of water on the surface of the screed. It should soak in pretty much immediately. This, when you prime it allows the water in the primer to dial in pulling the polymer in as well. If the water sits on top of the surface for more that a couple of seconds it’s not absorbent. You can get specialist primers for non absorbent surfaces but I’ve never had much success with them. So you are best to sand/grind it to open up the surface a little and make it more absorbent.
Alternatively you could use a pressure sensitive vynil flooring adhesive to stick down the sites matting.
Final alternative you could use bal flexbone and avoid any prep at all.
Passes water drop test no prob. Gone for a Weber primer/ sealer & SPF.
I'll crack on with the 40grit as planned