Discuss Another one.... Mosaics in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Hi All,

I'm now getting to the point where I can start to tile the bathroom, I have measured out, set out and know where everything is going. All the tools, trowels etc are here and ready.. After weeks on here reading, asking questions I feel i'm ready anyway :)

My question is around the 300x300mm mosaic which will be in 2 feature strips up the wall. Do you start with the mosaics or the standard tiles?

The main tiles are 500x200mm and 8mm thick, the same as the mosaics. The substrate is Hardibacker 500 which has been taped except the corners. I will be mitring the corners and siliconing them post tiling. Can I just gap fill the seams with addy as I tile or do I need to do this prior to tiling and allowing it to go off?




Thanks :)

Yes, i was referring to the seams of the HBB so will take your advice and do them first.

The mosaic tiles will be full tiles going up the centre of 2 walls, 1 at the back of the bath and the other behind the sink\vanity. They will be separated by the main tiles which will be in a brick bond around the entire bathroom, just the mosaics on the 2 walls.

The mosaics are the same thickness as the main tiles and have a smaller notched trowel for them. Any advice for getting them on the wall? They are the mesh back and not the paper covered type.

many thanks,



A full sheet is over a trowel width. So determine the areas to be mosaics and mark them out first. Depending on what spacing you're using depends on how much but leave a couple of mm either side so the mosaics arent tight.
If you're fixing brick effect, what tiles are they and how are you dealling with the transition from tile to mosaic. As every other row will be cuts.


Cheers! :)

I did the HBB seams last night with the same adhesive I will be using to tile with, just mixed up 500g to do the seams. It's mostly flush but with the odd bit of stray adhesive, can i just sand the little leftovers back or is a scraper better?

In terms of the tiles they are gloss white and I was planning to have all the cut tiles abutted to the mosaic with a 3mm grout gap which is consistent with the spacing of the mosaic and also the rest of the tiles. Is this how you would do it or should I be doing something better? It would be far easier if they made some of the same tile in half the size to avoid a cut edge ;) LOL

Thanks for all the help, I will get some pics up soon.




I have a sanding block for that very purpose. Wear a mask as I've known some oeople to have reactions to the dust.

I've often wondered the same but I susoect the manufacturing of half tiles would make it unfeasible. Did you say they were ceramic? It would depend on how presentable you can get the cut edge. You maybe better of opting for some chrome trim to hide any nasty edges, itll define the mosaic area a bit better too.


I'll use my Mirka to do the sanding which is truly dustless but will also wear a mask, thanks for the heads up :)

The tiles are ceramic, I have a dry cutter and also a Vitrex wet saw with a 500mm table that I bought for doing the bathroom, I have quite a few tiles to practice on and getting perfect cuts. I have a smaller thing I used for the kitchen 10 years ago but was too small for the bathroom tiles as they are 10 x the size. I will be using stainless type trim around the window reveal.

Am I correct in thinking that the half tiles shouldn't actually be half tiles? If the tile length is 500mm and the blade in the saw is say 2mm than that will throw the bond out. For the half tiles I'm thinking that I should do 2 cuts, 1 from each finished end to the centre -1.5mm so the half tiles are actually 2 x 250mm - 1.5mm each making the tile length 248.5 for each half and a 3mm grout gap equalling 500mm.

I probably over think these things and have spent a good couple of months reading up and thinking about the job, before I came on here I didn't know about Hardibacker, primers, powdered addy etc etc... All are now in place :)

Many thanks for your help and advice Aligage, it really is very much appreciated :)



That size of tile I wouldn't worry too much about being bang on half. Unless your room is 10m long. If its a couple of metres it won't throw things out to any noticeable difference over a couple of tiles.
Id use your manual cutter to do the cuts if they are to be exposed. Gently score to get a neat break. No need to press down at all. You could pick up a fine carbide file from any tile store to neaten up any edges.

Wish you the best of luck with your project,


Thanks :)

I finished the seams last night despite the addy going off super quick but blame the heat for that. I didn't do the corners as I believe i need an expansion gap?? Do i fill these with silicone to waterproof? the tiles will be mitred in the corners and also siliconed not grouted.

I have done some practice cuts on the main tiles tonight (The original samples - different batch) and they cut perfectly, just need a little file up to get them really neat and take the sharp edges off :) The longest run is 1700mm and that has 300mm of mosaic in the centre of it so just going to bosh them in half with the dry cutter :)


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