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any one got any hobbies

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I used to go out biking, I had a Honda Super Blackbird.


I used to go shooting, had a Browning Silver Stalker


Then I met the wife and ain't allowed either 🙁

Now I just play PC games.
I do some vermin shooting on weekends at the in-laws farm...
I have just bought this air rifle about 5 weeks back...


BSA lightining XL .......

used to have the older lightning model but my son cracked the stock.....:furious3:
so lashed out on the improved model...:grin:
I had a BSA Supersport a long time ago.

For an air rifle it seemed quite powerful, well someone had it double springed or whatever you call it as I once had the police round because I was shooting in my dads rear garden at an Henersey brandy bottle which are very thick.
The Prometheus pelet went through the bottle, through 40ft of thick bushes, through a wooden fence into the next garden and nearly shot the guy mowning his lawn... it dented his mower :lol:

My dads garage got shot to pieces while I had that rifle, and parts of the house when pellets ricochetted off the walls and shot through the inner house door from the garage and went through kitchen units and light switches and what not :thumbsup:

I wouldn't mind but I used to shoot from the top of the driveway into the garage at the bottom some 50ft away.

Used to kick like a mule :ninja:
Apart from forum whoring, I collect comics and play PC games. At the moment, I'm in a Star Wars period, and I'm re-reading all my Star Wars comics and re-playing my Star Wars PC games. Reinstalled Knights of the Old Republic 2 yesterday, for the, um, 9th or 10th time :rofl:

I see alot of you enjoy shooting... My older brother is a weapons freak. Show him a part from a weapon and he can likely tell you which one it comes from, and what year it was made. He wants to collect pre-1945 german handguns, but his missus doesn't want him to spend all their money on it, as they can be rather expensive :yes: So he's settled for bb-guns :rofl:
Thats one of my hobbies as well. I have a Beretta, Perazzi, Shadow, Browning and Faustino 20 Bore.

Where do you shoot?


Hello mate, A couple of local shoots all in Hertfordshire, One do's 60 cartridges and a barbecue for a tenner the other one £5.50 for 24 cartridges on each stand. There a few round this way so much land. The 20 bore are getting popular, Some one asked why do need more one gun because I want it. Also have a BSA superten:thumbsup:
A couple of years ago, my brother "who would have been around 19 years old then, was messing around in my mums garden and on the street with a couple of mates with gas powered replica BB guns, AK47's M4's and so on.

With no warning in late after noon a police land rover screeched to a halt at the end of the drive, out poured 4 armed police with real MP5's screaming at my brother and his mates to drop the guns, hands up and lay on the ground :lol:

They we're all arrested, taken to the nick, toy guns taken from them, got a telling off and sent home :grin:
Like my gaming, mainly warcraft on PC, just finished grand theft auto on PS3.

P.S. Join the Infantry and stand on the ranges all day **** wet through and freezing, will soon get to hate shooting 🙂


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