Hi, just seen the thread about impey tilesafe, i have used it but i think you have to be careful if you plan to do the walls with the membrane upto ceiling height due to the loadings,,(dependent on weight of tiles etc) i am sure wetdecs would be the man to clarify this, but worth checking with him and/or impey, also a question to wetdecs if i may, you say the membrane will no cope with lateral movement, i used it as per instructions before (on floor, corners jointed and up walls so are you saying this wont work.? it was on a timber subfloor which i ply lined and supported the former as per instructions, walls were all brick/block plaster and shower wall studded out with aquapanel) just a bit confused about the lateral movement comment,,, will appreciate a reply as im now worrying about the installation last year...:whatchutalkingabout cheers for your help and will come to wetdecs for all my future tanking wet room installs.... i promise.