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Tiled a bathroom floor a couple of weeks ago for a customer. Plyed it out first with 12mm ply,primed it,used flexi addy and flexi grout and screwed down every 12 inches.
Few days later went back because the grout was cracking in places.
we went back and put more in,but last Friday he rang and said its cracking again.
So we going round tomorrow...Gonna get the old grout out and add GT1 to the grout mix to make it more flexilble and pour it in the gaps, apparently if we make it quite wet,it will go under the tile to fill any voids as well,if any..been advised by a skilled tiler to screw down every 4-6 inches for future jobs ,NOT 12.
Just hope this sorts it out,would hate to go back and rip it up,oh yeah they are porclain as well.
Does what I intend to do sound ok with you guys?
Cheers danny..good advice as usual.....like you say better to do it right than do it again and again...:thumbsup:
Cheers Dave.
I live in the real world and know sometimes what you have to do and what you can afford to do are not always compatible.
Since working for BAL I've realised you need to give the full facts or it might bite you on the bum.
In my humble opinion the advice given to tilers today should be do not tile directly on to plywood sub-straights. There are more than enough products out there that can do the job. You are risking a failure if you tile on to wood in the best of circumstances. Even if you have used 18mm ply and screwed at 6 inch centres and primed the under side and the edges of the wood and screwed the tong and groove floorboards to ensure there rigidity. You can even go as far as to ensure the joists are free from movement. You can do all this and still get a failure. Wood is unpredictable.
In my humble opinion the advice given to tilers today should be do not tile directly on to plywood sub-straights. There are more than enough products out there that can do the job. You are risking a failure if you tile on to wood in the best of circumstances. Even if you have used 18mm ply and screwed at 6 inch centres and primed the under side and the edges of the wood and screwed the tong and groove floorboards to ensure there rigidity. You can even go as far as to ensure the joists are free from movement. You can do all this and still get a failure. Wood is unpredictable.
Yes see your point,but is this not changing what every tiler has been taught over the years?


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