AliGage - I think i gave the primer 2 days to dry also. I have got central heating pipes under the floor and looking at it the tiles that are coming loose are the ones in that area. should i have turned off the heating for a couple of days?
I haven't looked it up but i believe the tech sheets (at least for the ones i've used) recommend 2 weeks before turning on your UFH, i would leave the heating off for a time around this. What i am anticipating has happenedis this:
You've replaced the floor with ply, primed and installed the matting.
You've then spread the adhesive over the matting and NOT the floor. With the heating being on there is a chance with the pipes being close to the surface is you've heated the ply. It's expanded slightly in that area and the matting has pushed the adhesive and the tile away from the substrate.
If you can get all the tiles up without damaging the matting do pretty much what people have suggested:
Make sure the heating and UFH is off!
Ensure the matting is flat, as much old adhesive has been removed.
Apply a small amount of SLC, make sure all the matting is covered.
Install ditra matting with single part flexible adhesive, and then tile on top of this. Back butter the tiles as well.
Follow the manufacturers guidelines for drying time. But i would say the heating pipes have caused this.
Good lucks and pics when complete please!