I was driving to hatfield galleria last night when a van came up my near side at a round about as i was about to turn off and beeped his horn at me. When i looked in the mirror i saw the old five knuckle shuffle being aimed in my dirrection as the van man was turning off. What this muppet didn't realise is that i had just enough room to handbreak "old Faithful" 180 degrees and get behind him. Now considering mr baldy van man was big enough to beep be up and throw gestures my way you would think he would have been brave enough to pull over to the side of the road for a .....chat, but after following him for 5 mins flashing my lights, indicating to pull over and generally trying to deroad him i realised he wasn't. He then tried to loose "old faithful by driving at 50 mph around back streets. Old faithful was hot on his heels though until she almost lost her back end and veered into a bush. Fat, silly, baldy van man got away much to mine and "old Faithfuls" displessure. So i ask you all this....... WHY DO IDIOTS BEEP AND HAND GESTURE WHEN THEY THINK YOU ARE GOING ANOTHER WAY AND WONT CATCH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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