The only other group or forum to do this was UK Tiling Forum, but their facebook group. So I'll grab a couple of screen shots from their group (they don't think I have an account with access but I have several, it's my job eh!) and then collate the totals. They've got a lot more votes than us I think this year so well done to Andy. Good job his mrs knows how to work Wordpress because he can't even spell for toffee so it's not him that's done the poll I doubt lol
Either way, with our own results alone well done to
MAPEI who got 1st Place
BAL who got 2nd Place
Tilemaster 3rd Place
Ultratile 4th Place
Weber 5th Place
I will make a winners badge for these 5 and get them over to you, possibly on FB for most as Paul Smith has them on his Tilers Community etc apparently.