Best Tile Cutter 2009?

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Re: Best Tiler cutter

Getting my 1st tile cutter. Can anyone suggest which one to go for?

I was thinking about a Husqvarna TC 670 or a Rubi ts 50 plus
I was in the same situiation a few days ago - I needed a tile cutter for 10mm porcelain floor tiles. I scanned the forum on tile cutters - took the consensus and bought a Big Clinker
Result? Brilliant - easy to use, requires very little effort and good clean cuts.
Re: Best Tiler cutter

Hello and welcome...

The rubi tx700n is perfect for what you need....I have one and swear by it..



Click here for video of TX-N machine in action

TradeTiler.Ltd Rubi TX-N Manual Tile Cutters

Cheap crap good enough for domestic use.

Otherwise go for Monty or best of all - Sigma.
Re: Best Tiler cutter

Cheap crap good enough for domestic use.

Otherwise go for Monty or best of all - Sigma.

I dont think it is cheap!
5 years guarantee must be based on something credible.

Why do you dis like that did you even try them?

You sound like bad hater!:incazzato:
Re: Best Tiler cutter

got to be the tx700 or 900. i have the 700 also ts 40 and 60.these days its all wet cutting. but on the odd job which i need a cutter its the tx700 that comes out, the 1000kg breaker is the mutts nuts!
Re: Best Tiler cutter

Hello and welcome...

The rubi tx700n is perfect for what you need....I have one and swear by it..



- Ideal for cutting: heavy duty porcelain
- Swiveling ruler makes diagonal cuts easy!
- Also suitable for cutting standard ceramic tiles
- Maximum cutting length: 28" (71cm)
- Will cut a 500 x 500 mm tile diagonally
- Cutting thickness: 1/4"-13/16" (6-20mm)
- Separator power: 2,204lb (1000kg)
- High performance moving breaking system
- Angular measuring system for 0-45° cutting
- Lateral stop for repetitive cuts - straight & 45°
- Direct vision of the scoring and cutting line
- Complete with shockproof case
- Includes 10mm & 18mm scoring wheels
- 5 year guarantee

Weight 22.2 kg

Click here for video of TX-N machine in action

TradeTiler.Ltd Rubi TX-N Manual Tile Cutters

:iagree: superb cutter!


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