BREAKING NEWS Is Now On Instagram!

Tilers Forums Official Sponsors


Staff member
You heard it here first, we have officially joined Instagram so if you hang about on there give us a follow! We feel a bit lonely at the moment!

You can find us by searching Instagram for @TilersForums - see you over there!!
God I don't think even I have an insta! Haha

Your ads all gone okay mate?

If any other original members would like to come back then let me know. I owe you all an apology personally I think so email me on and let's at least chat. Bri, Neale, Doug. I just don't want that Andy who sent lou a very horrible letter it'll be viewable in the mods forum sooner or later. Maybe one day public. Haha

Just linking this tiling forum here. Some funny threads coming soon. 🤣 😆😆😁😇🥳🥸

Cracking Up Lol GIF


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