You will almost certainly find that somewhere in the small print of personal current accounts that it states that they are not to be used for business purposes. You may also find that te same small print says they can close the account without any notice should they find it IS being used for business purposes.
HOWEVER...and this is important....currently legislation forbids HMRC to have access to personal accounts. To get access they need to have your permission or get a court order UNLESS THEY HAVE GROUNDS TO BELIEVE BUSINESS MONEY IS GOING THROUGH IT. If that is the case, they can demand access without your permission or reverting through the courts TO ALL OF YOUR PRIVATE ACCOUTS. For this reason alone it is better to keep personal and business accounts separate.
HOWEVER...and this is important....currently legislation forbids HMRC to have access to personal accounts. To get access they need to have your permission or get a court order UNLESS THEY HAVE GROUNDS TO BELIEVE BUSINESS MONEY IS GOING THROUGH IT. If that is the case, they can demand access without your permission or reverting through the courts TO ALL OF YOUR PRIVATE ACCOUTS. For this reason alone it is better to keep personal and business accounts separate.