Ive been self employed for only 2months, getting 1 job every 10 days and the money ive made on them jobs go on more tools which ive realised i need, YES im a new tiler but a passionate one. YES my redundancy money is dissapearing at a rapid rate. Ive met tilers who have been in the trade for years and for christ sake halve of there methods are from the stone age, I went to an opening of a new tile shop where the local tilers were invited and the atmosphere was ****ing terrible, I stood back as they slagged of each other! wheres the comradeship? I was in the army for twelve years and have never known owt like what ive witnessed. As for all you experienced tilers i have a lot of respect for you but you werent born with a with a trowel sticking out of your arse, you started somewhere too! Anyway got myself booked on a plastering course as my strike rate is only 50% when pricing up a job to getting it. Just remember not all new tilers are thick as pig ****, my work has been spot on and twice ive recieved more than i quoted.