Christmas Slurps!!!

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Bought any nice slurps for xmas.. .?

Getting mine tomoz, few cases of fosters gold i think and deffo a ltr of captain morgans spiced rum...

Got plenty grey goose 🙂

Someone mention Grey Goose!
Where are u? Haha
U must try 'Legend of Kremlin' in that case Dave!
Nectre in a bottle, believe me, sublime!
I do hope u keep your vodka in the freezer! 😉
Enjoy my friend!

(I know, u never actually said we were friends!) 😛
The missus is in tesco doing a late shop as i type, purchasing a delicous bottle of captain morgans spiced and a bottle of krakken.Oh ,Ive got 20 bottles of corona sitting in the kitchen too.
Bottles of Estrella off a customer, bottles of Hooch (reminds me of when I started drinking before could get in pubs) and some homebrew sloe gin that's been fermenting in the kitchen cupboard.


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