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So what needs to hapoen to the forum?

It's a good question, the problem is in my opinion, that there does really need to be a leader of sorts, someone who has a lot of time to devote to the forum and who will start a lot of topics to get people chatting. Dave used to do that and then Neale after him. We don't really have anyone like that anymore and I don't think it's because of any of the changes, I think people just have less time generally, I haven't seen a post for a while that says work is quiet, so that tells you there are a lot of busy people. The only real solution to it is half a dozen people start a topic everyday, it doesn't especially need to be about tiling, to keep the place talking. DPF Dave has done a fair few recently and it's worked, even if it has caused some almighty fights, lol! All the other bits can be worked on as and when.

Diamond Pool Finishers

It's a good question, the problem is in my opinion, that there does really need to be a leader of sorts, someone who has a lot of time to devote to the forum and who will start a lot of topics to get people chatting. Dave used to do that and then Neale after him. We don't really have anyone like that anymore and I don't think it's because of any of the changes, I think people just have less time generally, I haven't seen a post for a while that says work is quiet, so that tells you there are a lot of busy people. The only real solution to it is half a dozen people start a topic everyday, it doesn't especially need to be about tiling, to keep the place talking. DPF Dave has done a fair few recently and it's worked, even if it has caused some almighty fights, lol! All the other bits can be worked on as and when.
i think if you looked at my posting (when i'am around ) at anytime i do start a lot of threads, this is because i love the forum !, i know a lot of my threads can be tosh ! but its like having a conversation with strangers in the street, if someone don't say anything !! then it would never start !, so thats the reason i start threads, they are just subjects, if you want to chime-in then please do , if not the don't and the thread will just sink, we are all different personality s some guys (hard core tilers or beginners ) then others just light banter about whatever,personally i'am drawn to general conversation, to escape work a bit, i did't mean to course a big huff over the tags, i know we all like to have a say on how the forum is run , so i though it would get us all going and it did lol (MAD), so sorry for this, but at the end of the day its DANS forum !!! and he will do with it what he wants, i think he's a cool guy really by standing back and letting us all get-on with it..... same as the mods we have now, when Dave h was admin it was a very click y place , and he was more of a dictator , i think that is where some of the older guys miss-him , as they feel they have lost there status they had with him,not me though as i have always been on the fringe, and will always be, but i will defend & speak-up for myself , i'am that gobby git you get in the street who just chim's-in when passing lol..... thats me. Things in life change, the people who love the moment and do well in it hate the change as they lose there moment in the sun, change is the challenge of life so embrace it and shine in it, but move-on, or you will be left behind my friends....that go's for everything in life......:sofahide:

John Benton

i think if you looked at my posting (when i'am around ) at anytime i do start a lot of threads, this is because i love the forum !, i know a lot of my threads can be tosh ! but its like having a conversation with strangers in the street, if someone don't say anything !! then it would never start !, so thats the reason i start threads, they are just subjects, if you want to chime-in then please do , if not the don't and the thread will just sink, we are all different personality s some guys (hard core tilers or beginners ) then others just light banter about whatever,personally i'am drawn to general conversation, to escape work a bit, i did't mean to course a big huff over the tags, i know we all like to have a say on how the forum is run , so i though it would get us all going and it did lol (MAD), so sorry for this, but at the end of the day its DANS forum !!! and he will do with it what he wants, i think he's a cool guy really by standing back and letting us all get-on with it..... same as the mods we have now, when Dave h was admin it was a very click y place , and he was more of a dictator , i think that is where some of the older guys miss-him , as they feel they have lost there status they had with him,not me though as i have always been on the fringe, and will always be, but i will defend & speak-up for myself , i'am that gobby git you get in the street who just chim's-in when passing lol..... thats me. Things in life change, the people who love the moment and do well in it hate the change as they lose there moment in the sun, change is the challenge of life so embrace it and shine in it, but move-on, or you will be left behind my friends....that go's for everything in life......:sofahide:

New thread topic:- Where did Dave get his sofa from, and what discount was applied before it went back to its original selling price?


It's a good question, the problem is in my opinion, that there does really need to be a leader of sorts, someone who has a lot of time to devote to the forum and who will start a lot of topics to get people chatting. Dave used to do that and then Neale after him. We don't really have anyone like that anymore and I don't think it's because of any of the changes, I think people just have less time generally, I haven't seen a post for a while that says work is quiet, so that tells you there are a lot of busy people. The only real solution to it is half a dozen people start a topic everyday, it doesn't especially need to be about tiling, to keep the place talking. DPF Dave has done a fair few recently and it's worked, even if it has caused some almighty fights, lol! All the other bits can be worked on as and when.

100 % agree with a point you make brian. And I've thought about this for a good whole. I nominate phill Hobson as he really is respected as the godfather in tiling. I know people who know him in real world and cannot speak highly enough of him. Phill for president !!


To be honest, it is busier out there, and after work, and creating quotes, invoices etc.. it isn't a priority, its showing that the market place is thriving.. with respect, when we're knackered its not a priority to post or reply to posts, I love this forum, but haven't got the time to post, which is a shame... but as the large projects are on their way, and no surveying / quotes to do, I have time.. its not a reflection on the forum, just the time of year and the tiling industry in general, who feels the same ?


Been on a site this week that gets locked up at 4pm every afternoon. Don't know what to do with myself as I usually work until after 6 then out measuring etc after. Definitely a lot of work about at the moment, all seems to be nice big jobs too.

Agree, also, its the time of year for finishing trades, aswell as coming out of recession, this time it certainly sorted out the men from the boys ;-)

TJ Smiler

Personally i quiet enjoy reading the arguments between some of the members, it's entertaining. We can all pretend that we are above all that nonsense and are far to grown up for all that.... but at the end of the day i love being entertained and there aint many more things i find better than reading a good argument between two hot headed tilers having a difference off opinion...... bring on the arguments i say, it's always good. We all (no matter what anyone tells me) love drama, Mike Tyson in his press conferences was absolutely fantastic viewing, even better than watching him in the ring sometimes!!!

So to improve this forum lets try and get Iron Mike on here or better still maybe some could just start saying what they actually feel or think rather than posting to 'impress' or to receive likes or thanks etc. Honesty of your opinions is what will really make this forum tick.

I am also under no illusion that should i meet up with any single member on here we would probably have a good chat and get on great no matter how different we seem on here..... Were all just normal blokes trying to earn money.

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