Customers..........who would have them!.

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Just finished a bathroom and separate toilet yesterday. On arriving at the customers at 8am sharp (like I always do ), thought it strange that she followed me up the stairs!. She said "that tile there is a different colour", oh that's just tile dust on the face I said (it was a tiny wc room approx. 800mm wide X 2000mm long and I had used the angle grinder in there on a couple of tiles). so I gave it little polish but oh no it was definitely different. conversation then went like this........

Me..... well I don't understand that all the tiles you supplied were in full unopened boxes

Her..... maybe you got one muddled up with the bathroom tiles (which were similar but not the same)

Me..... No its different from the bathroom tiles its just a different shade to the rest of the WC ones

Her..... maybe its one of the two that I had downstairs

Me...... Err what two was that then?

Her..... The original ones that I got from "topps" as samples

Me..... well I didn't go downstairs and get it, how did it end up on your wall?

Her.... I brought them up and put them with the rest of the tiles yesterday, you must have used it by mistake !!!!!

Me....... (always the gent) Yep that would be the reason.................................

what did she think was going to happen to it, So I spent the next half hour smashing the poxy thing off the wall and replacing it. Point is I think she new from the start but wasn't about to admit it to me.
my job would be great if it weren't for customers:thumbsup:.
Apologies for above pics.......I posted, then thought, "that's me in the cack" tried to delete them, and it won't let me.

customers can be very cunning
Cant they just. What I don't understand is I had already done lots of little extras (no charge) so where was the problem in her just saying.......sorry I've mucked you about and put the sample tile in with the rest and you have used it". I would have had no problem in changing it and probably had a laugh about it.


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