Cutting Limestone

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Newbie here with a few sq metres (about 6m2) of limestone (60x40cm) to lay.

Most of the cut edges will be covered by skirting or units, although a small amount will be abutting fixed units. I also need to work around two radiator pipes coming up through the floor.

I know that ideally I should be using a wet cutting machine, but don't have one.
I do have an angle grinder.

So, should I rent or buy a wet cutter? I would be prepared to buy something in this price range

Vitrex 103402NDE Torque Diamond Wet Tile Saw Cutter on eBay (end time 18-Feb-10 17:06:24 GMT)

if it would make the job easier or give a better finish.
Or should I consider renting something better (I prefer buying as I can then take all the time in the world, but I am unlikely to use it again - can always resell I suppose..)
Or will I be able to make do with an angle grinder for this small area (and in that case what cutting disk is best?).

Finally, How should I tackle the radiator pipes?

Many Thanks!
either rent one or make do with the angle grinder,you would be lucky if that cutter lasts the distance on limestone albeit it would be a very handy machine for ceramics or smaller porcelain
Welcome to the forums,

For a real professional finish you could remove the radiator after draining down the system and drill appropriate sized holes in the tiles, if that is something you dont feel comfortable with then you will have to cut channels for the pipes. You can get covers to hide the hole but I think they look a bit tacky, people know that they are hiding a hole.
As Dave says the Limestone is a bit heavy for that cutter. You need to seal the stone before and after grouting. I would hire a wet cutter.

Thanks chaps.

Is there a wet cutter model or spec that I could reference?

I will try a test with the angle grinder first. Should I use a conventional grit type disk?
you'll have to be careful with the grinder,it can chip the edges which looks bad and thats something a wet cutter doesn't do.
i would go for the diamond blade/anglegrinder route but make sure that you practise first as it can be tricky :thumbsup:
i would say, lay all your full tiles and then hire a big wet cutter for a day and cut all your cuts in one day then fit them mate :thumbsup::lol:
You could always finish any rough edges with a Hand Diamond Pad but a wet cutter is the best solution. As Dave says try to find out what limestone it is because some of it is very very hard and at the other end of the scale you can literally scrape it with your fingernail.



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