Cutting Really Hard Porcelain Tiles.

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Thanks chaps, will give both methods a try and report back next week.

Still not sure how I'm going to cut the L shaped ones though without chipping the edges. 😡
Scribe both sides, then grind/ or wet cut inside the scribe lines and rub down with your carborundum stone ( do people still use these? I do ) worth a try.
Try and get your hands on a Kaufmann before you buy a sigma Marc, I tried the sigma the other day then tried the Kaufmann again, Kaufmann is incredible. But each to their own.

Cheers for that Simon, I'll certainly try and have a go of both machines first then!
I know where I can try both the sigma and Rubi.
The Kauffman maybe a different story tho!
Unless anyone in my area has one I can try? 😉
Where in sw London are you?
I'll be doing a little job at Marble Arch in a week or 2 gladly meet up.
You bring the tile, I'll bring the beast!... ha ha.
Hahaha really funny u should say that Sy!
Was searching high and low for one of those a few months back! Haha
Found one eventually 🙂
Don't know what I'd do without mine!. Talk about broke in, had it YEARS!... ha ha....
how to wet cut with less chipping but takes time....first score a line then cut off the line with wet cutter then make another pass or two until you reach scored line,failing this use permanent marker pen and colour in chips.


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