Damp Wall

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Ive used the Soverign Heydie system before and its great stuff but the problem with old Spanish buildings built of rock and clay or lime is that they are suffer from seasonal movement which can crack this kind of cement based tanking, ive seen sand and cement rendering crack on this type of building even when expanded metal has been used.
So what your saying Lucius is , that whichever system he uses . They will all crack ... Even a stud wall, as there will be movement in everything that is put in there to cure the problem through seasonal changes ?
Depending on movement there is a possibility of the stud wall cracking where the boards butt together but i have never experienced this, i always leave a penny gap between boards and keep them of the floor to help compensate for any movement but even if it does crack it dosent matter as it is only a false wall hiding the bad wall but if the tanking cracks it is compromised and will let in water though in this case i think it is only a damp problem not water gushing in, quite common in this type of house often due to other reasons like modern cement renders being used preventing the house from breathing.
The reason he wants the information is, so that the wall that is damp can be tiled . Now what you are saying is no matter what it cant be tiled ....
I would go with the Heydi K11 before stud wall as, If it is a timber stud wall then the wood would end up with wood weevil and rot. If it is metal then that is going to rust away and end up falling apart ... Atleast with the Heydi K11 the internal fabric of the building is being sealed from the inside . The wall will still have the damp on the other side of the barrier so in my mind will not dry out and be less of a chance of cracking ... Than replacing a stud wall that will rot and need replacing every few years..
Just my opinion ... on what I would do ...
I dont remember saying it couldnt be tiled and as i said ive never had a problem with this type of stud wall suffering the same movement as the original structures do, you suggested it.I would never use timber for this kind of aplication in Spain as tanalised timber is difficult to source and all timber is expensive, we aint got many trees.Metal frame studding is electroplated which will pretty much protect it from rust unless it is in a saturated situation which is not the case here, it will not be in contact with the damp wall other than the brackets which can be isolated by using rubber or plastic washers if you feel the need. If the sole concern is the metal rusting another common practice in Spain is to build the wall with 30mm wide terracota blocks.The correct purist method here would be to expose the outside wall and coat with a lime putty morter and fix the tiles internaly in the same morter but this would be costly. As have said before cement based tanking systems are excelent but do not work well on this kind of substrate especialy if it is clay built i know i live in one.


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