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to quit is to quit for life. Tried a number of times, got as far a 4 months once.
I just enjoy it too much, that's my down fall, looking for reasonable excuses to start again. last time was when she had the baby and few complications. perfect excuse! or not.
should have stayed strong, think about the money, health. ect.
but when someone walks past me with a cigerette, it has a smell that is so appealing when you have quit, but cannot smell it when u smoke, i become like the old bisto advert 1977 Bisto - YouTube
They say the first week is the hardest so good luck, you nearly at the week stage.
might have another go myself after this pack.......

Deleted member 9966

I can still remember the very last day I smoked a cigarette - 9th October 2003. I won't ever go back to it because I found better things to spend my money on. And one of the benefits is being able to taste food for its flavours. I love food and cigarettes have a negative impact on your tastebuds.

Well done for getting this far :hurray:
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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Well done penno! Keep it up mate. I'm jealous of you. I fail after about 4 days. I did cut down last year to just less than 10 a day, from about just over 30 a day. Now i'm probably back to 30 again to be honest. Total failure.

I need to quit though. I struggle to breathe sometimes and I'm only 29. Can't imagine what I'll be like if I'm lucky enough to get to 55/60. Been smoking since I was about 12 or 13.

Proud of you quitters though. You really do beat the impossible in my eyes.


smoking is hard to quit no doubt,i quit as my mother had a heart attack that almost killed her and it was down to smoking 40 ciggys a see her in the state she was in hospital made me realise i had to stop

its a no brainer really as it will kill you

buy lots of sugar free gum etc,and fruit and use them when you need a cigarrette,maybe start some extra work to keep your mind occupied on positive things anything to get you past those first few gets easier eventually and i never think of them anymore


I tried to quit, failed, tried again and failed. My problem was that I really enjoy smoking. I found that it wasnt the NEED to smoke, it was that I really really wanted one, if that makes any sense? Then on day I got on the train from Birmingham to London and lit a *** without thinking, I flicked the cigarette out the window along with my lighter and pack of ****. I said to myself "If I am tearing my hair out for a *** by the time I get home, then I will buy another pack. if not then I wont". That was about 6 years ago and I am now a non-smoker. I think i found it easy because I didnt put any pressure on myself, every day i thought "if it gets to much, I will just go and buy some but I want to see how long I can go without". A few times I went to get some but thought " I dont REALLY need this, I just really fancy one". I had my first one about 6 months later and I coughed my bloody lungs out and my god did I stink!

Now I have one with a glass of single malt as a treat every now and again and I really enjoy it but never NEED one. Everybody is different of course but not making a big deal about it made it really easy for me.
Good luck Penno. I started smoking in 1970, aged 12. I stopped smoking in August 2010, aged 52.

I smoked because I liked it. When I stopped liking it I stopped smoking.

I see many people talking about quitting smoking - they miss the point. If you smoke you are a smoker. If you dont smoke you are a non-smoker. There is no in-between. There is not the addiction that liberal health facists would have you believe - it is 99% willpower, 1% noctine addiction. The "withdrawal" is in your mind not you body.

There are many hypocrits out there who smoked for years, stop, then treat smokers like lepers.

I still like the smell of smoke. I hate the smell of stale ash (always did). I never criticise anyone who wants to smoke - its your choice - not the politicians. Smoke in any form is a dangerous pollutant, so it is fair that those who do not want to pollute their lungs should have the choice not too, and not be forced to breathe others smoke - but banning smoking in all bars was ridiculous - why not have "smoking" and "non-smoking" bars? Give people the choice to work in a smokey or smoke free environment, and give smokers a place to smoke.

I occasionally catch the whiff of cigar smoke - and want to smoke one. But I dont because I decided to stop smoking, and intend to remain a non-smoker.

So Penno, if you want to be a non-smoker, stay stopped. Ignore all the rubbish about nicotine addiction, and ask yourself why you smoked, and why you stopped. Focus on all the good things not smoking gives you and your family, and try to work out exactly why you thought you enjoyed smoking - you may find you did not get anything from smoking and have no reason to start smoking again. Alternatively take a £10 note each day for a week, and set fire to it. As the money burns, ask yourself why you spent £14 a day on smoking.

Lecture over. Good luck! :hurray:


I agree with everything that Andy says above apart from "If you smoke you are a smoker. If you dont you are a non-smoker"

I gave up and found that when I am out and have had a few to many, I can have a cigarette as a cheeky treat. For me it is not like a recovering alcoholic that can be clean for 10 years and then if they have a drink they are back to square one. Nobody is the same but for me, having one out side the pub when Im out with mates is not a big deal as I will then not have another one for a few months, if anything it makes me realise how bad they taste and how they make you smell.

As I say we are all different, i have a friend who has quit for years and will not have another as he knows that it will start him off again, so he doesnt. Every single person that has ever quit has found his/her way of doing it and every one of those peoples way of doing it is different. The point I was trying to make in my first post was that when I told myself that I can never smoke again, my brain panicked and I was climbing the walls for one. When I told myself that if I was about to go crazy I could have one, it was easy not to smoke. If I had a big night coming up I would say Im not aloud to smoke til then, but I will have one with a drink that night and it will be lovely. By the time the night came round I either didnt want one or I would have one and it was minging.

As Andy says above, it is all about changing how you think about it.
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