day by day photos of bathroom refurb

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hello all, just thought some of you might be interested to see a day by day photo diary of a bathroom i'm doing over the weekend (hopefully finish on monday). i'm doing the ewpar with max at able skills at the moment, and as a way of him seeing some up to date jobs i've set up a free website that i can put photos and a few words on for him to look at. no tiles up yet as a lot of prep work was needed, but i'm putting pics up from yesterday morning when i first started. any comments and advice are welcome :thumbsup:
anyway, here's the link to the site
photo diary of bathroom in ashford started today 11 march 2001 - Home
there's going to be a lot of pictures up by monday, so i thought rather than fill the servers here up with them, i'd put them off site. doing a porcelaine floor next, so may do one for that too. cheers.

just updated with todays photos. got all the tiles up except for the window sill and reveals, but will do them thursday when i go to grout. taking longer than i thought for this job, the old suite came out last thursday. i'm going to the stone show tomorrow, so thursday for grout and sills etc, then back on the weekend for Silicon and grout the sill and reveals. 6.5 days for me, and 2.5 for the plumber. thought i'd only be there for 4 days. did a lot of extra work i wouldn't normally do though, so not too worried about it.
well, at the stone show yesterday, and when i went in this morning i found the plumber hasn't managed to get back, and wont be back till monday, so can't do more till he's been back. off to another job tomorrow, but will post this jobs final photos on monday ( as long as the plumber gets back that is.) still i got to celebrate st patricks day down the pub this afternoon, which kind of made up for a lost day:thumbsup:. then got an earful off the missus when i got home which didn't.:thumbsdown:
well, finally got back in there today, as the plumber got his stuff done, and got finished up. tiled the reveals and the panel behind the pan, grouted, cleaned up and Silicon on too. came out quite well, apart from the delay, but i got another job done in between and the owner wasn't bothered so no big deal. tiles were a bit dodgy though. b & q multisize/multishade specials. i wish people would get them from somewhere else.
What type of top are you going to use here..?



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