I havn't worked atall this week because of a customer, wouldn't mind but have turned loads of work down as i was fully booked.
Quoted last month and all was happy, told him floor needed plying to which he replied he would do it himself, no probs i said. Had an old sink and toilet in there which he said were going to be removed for when i started. Had big chunky skirting boards on which he said would be staing on, once again no probs. Wanted 60 x 30 travertine laying horizontal one above the other NOT brick pattern, No prob.
Turned up for the job walked in and there is a nice brand new sink, toilet and rad fitted and 4 sheets of ply propped up against the wall. Asked whats going on and he said it was the only time the plumber could get in and do it and he also didn't have time to put the ply down. Told him for laying the ply and taking out the toilet it would be extra cash, which he finally agreed to. Then looked down and seen the skirtings had been also ripped off leaving huge holes in the walls, just shook my head but grabbed the tools out ready to start.
Customer then came up with a cup of coffee for me while i was priming the walls
"me and the wife have had a chat and decided me want it in a brick pattern afterall and we also have some mosaics we want the shower area doing in and for it to also run around the room as a border." Took a deep breath..
After once again sorting the price out took another deep breath and carried on.
trotted downstairs to get something else out of the van and heard him saying to his mrs "this is getting expensive now i am not even sure if we have enough to pay for it"
Tools packed, honk of the horn "see you later pal"