Our forum sponsors often provide discounts for members. This excludes the manufacturers but you do get special red carpet treatment when you deal with them if you say you're from the forum.
I'll add to this list as I find the correspondance relating to telling me the codes and procedures to get the discounts.
Enter discount code tilersforums at the final stage of the shopping cart to get 5% off. If you're a regular user of electric underfloor heating and/or floor insulation boards then you'll need to all them and speak to Peter and see if the quantity you get through per month will get you a trade account.
Extra discounts for elite members.
Enter FIVER at the end of the shopping cart process to recieve a £5 discount on all orders over £100.
Extra discounts for elite members. Sorry tradetiler is £5 discount on orders over £100. not 5%. I meant to say it is UP TO 5%. Which it is. 🙂
Richard was advised by somebody that he was WAY to low on price some time ago. You can see the threads in his drilling forum where he explains that he's upping the price in the UK of his bits. But he'll be keeping the price the same for forum members. This works out about 15% off IF I REMEMBER RIGHTLY. I'll get back to you with the procedure to get this discount - as I believe he's got a distribution network running now and isn't classed as a supplier himself.
Did I mention there's EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNTS for elite members?
Sealux Seals
I'm pretty sure we have a deal here - I'll get back to you on that one.
TileUK mag!
Yes - a new sponsor coming soon. They'll send you a free copy of their mag. And you don't have to sign-up if you don't want to. I think. I'll confirm this as I get more news about it - though they are sponsoring the forum from Sept 1st.
PHG Wetrooms
Dave from PHG wetoroms hasn't officialy said there's a discount for the forum if I remember rightly. And I know he doesn't make THAT much on his gear - BUT I do know if you stick a decent order in for his wetroom systems you'll get treated rightly - if not get some cash off too.
ChaseTiling will give you discounts on their plumbing courses I believe.
DiamondTraining definately will give you discount on their Plastering Courses. Though they signed up sometime ago and I'm not too sure if there was a period of time you had to book it in.
There will be a thread in the Elite Forum listing YOUR discounts. And you'll be very very pleased to see them.
We have currently 36 members out of 6,500+ that are marked as elite members. Our elite members are know for their accuracy providing advice, and they've provided plenty of it. Any good tiler / supplier / etc should have the knowledge to be an elite member. So you just have to offer your advice a little more, and be a bit lengthy in your replies.
sWe got to Elite Status the quickest, as he created his bunch of new topics (so not replies - which was the normal route to elite) giving LOADS of information about things he thought the forum was missing out on - or has lots of questions about etc. Brilliant lad, brilliant contributor - well worthy of elite status.
Elite members get red-carpet treatment with us and most of our sponsors. We're still growing at the same alarming rate (though we've got used to it now) that we were when we setup. And the elite members are helping move the forum forward now - along with the moderators and so on.
We're aiming to have some really unique schemes, processed and systems in place by this time next year. And we're going to get known offline and have plenty of more local things going on (the reason we need LOTS of elite members).
Please try to get to elite status. It's no more work for the guys that know the tile industry well - you just need to get known on the forum for providing good advice.
I wish you all the best.
I'll add to this list as I find the correspondance relating to telling me the codes and procedures to get the discounts.
Enter discount code tilersforums at the final stage of the shopping cart to get 5% off. If you're a regular user of electric underfloor heating and/or floor insulation boards then you'll need to all them and speak to Peter and see if the quantity you get through per month will get you a trade account.
Extra discounts for elite members.
Enter FIVER at the end of the shopping cart process to recieve a £5 discount on all orders over £100.
Extra discounts for elite members. Sorry tradetiler is £5 discount on orders over £100. not 5%. I meant to say it is UP TO 5%. Which it is. 🙂
Richard was advised by somebody that he was WAY to low on price some time ago. You can see the threads in his drilling forum where he explains that he's upping the price in the UK of his bits. But he'll be keeping the price the same for forum members. This works out about 15% off IF I REMEMBER RIGHTLY. I'll get back to you with the procedure to get this discount - as I believe he's got a distribution network running now and isn't classed as a supplier himself.
Did I mention there's EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNTS for elite members?
Sealux Seals
I'm pretty sure we have a deal here - I'll get back to you on that one.
TileUK mag!
Yes - a new sponsor coming soon. They'll send you a free copy of their mag. And you don't have to sign-up if you don't want to. I think. I'll confirm this as I get more news about it - though they are sponsoring the forum from Sept 1st.
PHG Wetrooms
Dave from PHG wetoroms hasn't officialy said there's a discount for the forum if I remember rightly. And I know he doesn't make THAT much on his gear - BUT I do know if you stick a decent order in for his wetroom systems you'll get treated rightly - if not get some cash off too.
ChaseTiling will give you discounts on their plumbing courses I believe.
DiamondTraining definately will give you discount on their Plastering Courses. Though they signed up sometime ago and I'm not too sure if there was a period of time you had to book it in.
There will be a thread in the Elite Forum listing YOUR discounts. And you'll be very very pleased to see them.
We have currently 36 members out of 6,500+ that are marked as elite members. Our elite members are know for their accuracy providing advice, and they've provided plenty of it. Any good tiler / supplier / etc should have the knowledge to be an elite member. So you just have to offer your advice a little more, and be a bit lengthy in your replies.
sWe got to Elite Status the quickest, as he created his bunch of new topics (so not replies - which was the normal route to elite) giving LOADS of information about things he thought the forum was missing out on - or has lots of questions about etc. Brilliant lad, brilliant contributor - well worthy of elite status.
Elite members get red-carpet treatment with us and most of our sponsors. We're still growing at the same alarming rate (though we've got used to it now) that we were when we setup. And the elite members are helping move the forum forward now - along with the moderators and so on.
We're aiming to have some really unique schemes, processed and systems in place by this time next year. And we're going to get known offline and have plenty of more local things going on (the reason we need LOTS of elite members).
Please try to get to elite status. It's no more work for the guys that know the tile industry well - you just need to get known on the forum for providing good advice.
I wish you all the best.