Discuss Does it mean you are a bad tiler if you have slow patches? in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.

alfred .
quite bizarrely i am coming to visit your neck of the coast this weekend.
my nephew is marrying a lass from broadstairs.
we are staying in royal harbour hotel ( ramsgate )
reception at st lawrence college ( ramsgate)
does this sound ok.

what do you reckon.
why nothing in broadstairs !!!
i havent a clue but it did not go down well with my mother when i said i hoped there would be a really big storm.
i love a big storm but its not my wedding so fairs fair i guess.

Hi,Jonny you will like it Ramsgate has a nice harbour ,I dont know what the college is like for food,But Broadstairs is a great little town very Victorian only thing its better in the summer I sub for a pub/hotel chain they have four pubs and one hotel at Ramsgate harbour but its not the hotel that you are visiting but you will have a good time,Welcome to Thanet.Albert.:welcome:


At the risk of being verbally abused again this thread was started because of a conversation on another tread that was a person had a bad tiling job done and came to the forum for some advice. She got good advice but when she had resolved the situation she needed a tiler to re tile the bathroom she asked on here but found a friends x was the manager of a tile shop and he recommend a tiler that tiler went and looked at the job and said he would go and sort it out the following week. She was happy with that but then the comment was made that if he was available at short notice he may not be any good. In my opinion this was a bit out of order as he came recommended by the manager of a tile shop and was fitting it in as a favour now this man may turn out to be a bad tiler or he may turn out to be a good one but I think the assumption that someone must be bad at what they do because they have a gap in there diary is pathetic.
incorrect! She said her mates x 'worked' in a tile shop. Also, how do you know the tiler was 'fitting her in'(implying a busy schedule) I believe her words where simply 'do it next week' also, I said I'd be concerned at hiring a tiler who was availible at a few days notice , not that he was neccisarily not good, I advised 'check him out' as I would any other tiler regardless of how busy they where!

Dougs Third Go

This place really does make me laugh some of the time

Am I the only one here that feels like hitting my head off a brick wall?? The market place is the truest most accurate datum as measure how good one is at what they do regardless of what that is, in our most of our cases, we sell a tiling service. Some tilers specialise in high end work, some specialise in low end / high volume, but they are both obviously providing a good product if there diary is full. Does it make the individual a better 'tiler' is the question here? No. But the question is not accurate, what we should be asking is are we selling a better product? Who cares if you are a 'good tiler', What does that even mean? We could be here for years discussing that and I simply not qualified to judge as I have never employed any to compare.

I am in a lucky situation just now where I am very busy, I don't consider myself to be as good a tiler as many on here who I know come from a more tiling background but I know I'm making a good living and I'm selling a good product.
load of ********, there's all sorts determine how busy you can be/not be and none of it has any bearing on the standard of your work. Say you live in a town that has high employment for decades, plenty of work about then overnight that town's main employer goes belly-up, loads of people out of work then the knock on effect starts, usually with the building renovation trades....so, say I've had my diary full all my working life and then the town I ply my trade goes bust, does that make me a bad tiler overnight?????


Flooded down my way.......lot of it since Christmas, and due to get worse.

I am quiet at the moment........but hopefully when the floods DO go, work will pick up.

Maybe in 6 months/years time.......I will do a mass advertisement in the worst areas. I did not too bad last year after the not as bad flooding.

So I must be crap????

That's the upside, loads of work after the flood :)


At the risk of being verbally abused again this thread was started because of a conversation on another tread that was a person had a bad tiling job done and came to the forum for some advice. She got good advice but when she had resolved the situation she needed a tiler to re tile the bathroom she asked on here but found a friends x was the manager of a tile shop and he recommend a tiler that tiler went and looked at the job and said he would go and sort it out the following week. She was happy with that but then the comment was made that if he was available at short notice he may not be any good. In my opinion this was a bit out of order as he came recommended by the manager of a tile shop and was fitting it in as a favour now this man may turn out to be a bad tiler or he may turn out to be a good one but I think the assumption that someone must be bad at what they do because they have a gap in there diary is pathetic.

I couldnt agree more Deano. There are loads of reasons why a tiler might have a gap in his diary and be able to sort a job at short notice.
we have had the floods here a couple of times recently and the place has been like white van man city,a lot of bungalows here been flooded the only local people making any money are the skip people, every trade seems to be from out of town , crazy insurance companys dont use local trades ( or at least they havent here),or we would be mad busy here


So what would you say about all the tilers out there who are very busy and making a good living, having never seen there work, all you know is they are busy, would you guess they where good or bad tilers?

I would judge them on many things. Their appearance, Their manner, Thier knowledge, when they could start relative to when I wanted the job done, their price,

I will draw an analogy for you. I had a new boiler towards the end of last year. Because of the building regs I had to get a man in to get it up and running. I called I think about 7 or 8 people and not one could do the job that side of Christmas. However based on their manner on the telephone I would not have used any of them anyway. I ended up phoning my oil company who gave me the name of a guy locally who I in turn called. He was pleasant, positive, clearly knowledgeable about the current building regs etc and he gave me a price over the phone which was within my expectation. I thought he would be like the others and would not be able to do the job for some time. I was surprised when he said he could pop round the following day to check the job out and of all was as it needed to be he could do the work the following day. He turned out to be really helpful and the work he did was clean, tidy, neat and above all safe and legal. He took payment with a card machine and left me with the relevent paperwork and a certificate of warranty for his work. When I asked him if he was busy he said not as busy as he would like to be but that in the twenty or so years he had been in te trade he had been through quiet times before and the recession had not helped him one bit as folk were not spending the money. He was a really good quality tradesman as I judged and yet he was having a quiet time..... I have recomended him to a few freinds and he has worked for at least 2 of them (one of whom is a neighbour) and they had similar experiences with the guy.

The market for boiler fitters running up to Christmas is hugely busy and yet tis good quality tradesman was finding things quiet....


Had a 40m floor cancelled on me in January a week before it was to start so had a few days freed up and nothing to fill them. Same day I got a call from a girl needing a bathroom tiled in the next week. It sorted me out and it sorted her out, everyone was a winner. In another current situation I've had a small bathroom floor to do for a lady asap and have had to postpone her 3 times in two weeks from being too busy. This does my reputation more harm than squeezing in a job at short notice.

Reply to Does it mean you are a bad tiler if you have slow patches? in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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