Steady money Neale.. hard to find in these times..??
Steady money Neale.. hard to find in these times..??
just read through the saga..and sounds SO familiar!..I did some work the other year for a big London based tiling co. (no names will be mentioned!) and was shocked how many pirates work in this way ie. all the straight work first then leave the tricky bits for someone else..also the readiness to down tools at the first problem...I know it takes all sorts but I dunno how these guys make a living..then again I s'pose they don't having spoken to a few of the moaning so & so's!!
Hi Jamie, I think most members here are cut from the same cloth...we see something that's going to be a PITA, and we think "OK, how can I figure this out and do it?"
The deadwood just wants it all laid out in front of them, with nothing required in the smarts department. I',m dealing with a subcontractor right now that's the same way. They talked a great game when they wanted the work. Now , they can't perform and the property owner and I have kicked them off the job. Her attorney will handle the rest and we'll get paid to finish the work. The whole reason we hired them in the first place was to get stuff done quickly. They said "four days"...it's now 2 1/2 months later and they still aren't finished.
Know exactly where you are coming from there Neale - you were dead right to stick on your own mateToo right Joe, been there and got the T shirt.