We've had our Electrical Videos section running for a while now and we proudly host a massive 4 videos. Whaaaat? Only 4?!?!
Apparently so. Just the 4 then. The rest being embedded.Uploaded media: 4
Embedded media: 116
Comments: 62
Wondering if we can all give this a bit of a nudge and add all and any electrical videos you have on your devices. Perhaps you have already added them to YouTube or some other media site and can simply quickly embed them to our forum so our members can comment on them without needing to be registered to the existing host etc.
Also, the new forum software has an awesome layout for the videos and comments. The developers are really working hard on this area of the forums as every single device that's viewing forums these days is also a video camera.
How to add an electrical video to the forum
To add an electrical video to the forum simple visit the Video area, and click "Add Media".Electrician's Videos | Electrical Videos and How-To Guide Vlogs - https://www.electriciansforums.net/media/
Hoping we can double our 4 videos this month lol 😀
Will see eh?
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