sorry, meant the Y&H group within this forum, you're in it, aren't you? created by Oli?,,,,:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: sorry mosaic girl,dont know i`ll have to have a look
was camping down that way a couple of years ago, place called humnanbybyhum.?.. near Filey!haven`t had the pleasure to live in ULL (HULL) - no, can't stand the place myself, live in a quiet place on the outskirts of Scarborough, we like peace and quiet, too.
didn`t know there was a yorkshire and humberside forum sorry, meant the Y&H group within this forum, you're in it, aren't you? created by Oli? back to the footie...recording it for hubby out at work but it's more interesting knowing you guys will comment on it later :lol:
yeah and carson should keep his legs shutJT should've hoofed it!:furious3: