F faithhealer May 16, 2010 #1 For the first time, England cricket team are the world champions in a tournament, 20 20 winners over the Aussies Now for the football!!
For the first time, England cricket team are the world champions in a tournament, 20 20 winners over the Aussies Now for the football!!
S strummerman May 16, 2010 #4 crackin match well done england just need the football team to play aswell now
T Time's Ran Out May 16, 2010 #5 Dave where is Paul Collingwood (captain of the England team) from? Well Done England.:hurray::hurray::hurray:
Dave where is Paul Collingwood (captain of the England team) from? Well Done England.:hurray::hurray::hurray:
P paulyoung666 May 17, 2010 #8 class , just need to do the aussies for the ashes again now :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
R Rob Z May 17, 2010 #10 Cricket is becoming increasingly popular here along the east coast. There are a lot of teams and leagues formed from Virginia up through New York. It looks like an interesting game and I'd like to go see a match sometime.
Cricket is becoming increasingly popular here along the east coast. There are a lot of teams and leagues formed from Virginia up through New York. It looks like an interesting game and I'd like to go see a match sometime.