Anhydrite screeds are made in ready mix facilities where they are subjected to quality assurance regimes. The sand used is specially selected and tested for suitability by the binder manufacturers (us). The measure of sand quality is usually determined by how quickly the screed hardens. Ergo you will prove that the sand is of good quality and suitable for inclusion in the screed by doing such a test. We already know the answer before the screed is made. Same with the binder. It is unusual in the extreme for there to be anything aims with the individual components of the screed such that standard statistical process control will take care of things. Add the sand and binder together with water and you have a screed mortar. There really isn't much to go wrong during the manufacturing process itself.
Most of the issues with screeds of all types are caused not by the screed itself but what people do with it and how they do it....