White Room
Is the boiler a pressure system...
Could well be.....plus years ago there were some real naff floor adhesive out there that would just disintegrate if they got continually wet.The adhesive is dry to the touch. Would this be why there appears to be different COlours of addy, its the same with wet patches?
It's a pressurised system yes but gets topped up regularly!
They obvious way is to leave the uplifted floor uncovered for a few days and see if it dries out, if it continues to look damp then you have your answer, at which point you should contact your home insurance or alternatively if you like I can give you details of a local company that will come out and exactly pinpoint your leak, but they aren't cheap to pay although it wouldn't be dramatic.Is there any *easy way to tell
If I have a leak below the subfloor?
What should my next move be?