Fair Fuel Support Needed

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[TD="class: td1"] Dear FairFuelUK Supporter We have a moment of opportunity to stop the massive 16p a gallon tax hike on petrol & diesel that the chancellor waved through in the Budget. (3p per litre of Fuel Duty + VAT). This is due to hit you on August 1st.
We have worked with a group of supportive MPs to have a proposed amendment put forward to the Budget. If selected for debate and voted through, this amendment would see the tax hike stopped. However, to stand a chance of it being selected for debate, we need lots of MPs to actually sign up in advance to support this change over the coming weeks before it can be formally tabled in June.
We URGENTLY need your help NOW . The Government will be hoping that this issue will not attract enough support from supporters like you and ‘just fade away’. That’s why we need you to do all or some of the following:

  • Click here to email directly to your MP urging them to support this new clause, the scrapping of the August 3p rise in Fuel Duty.
  • When you have emailed, please print out a copy of the email and post it to them. All you have to do is put their name on the envelope and post it to House of Commons, Westminster SW1A 0AA. Getting things ‘through the post’ has a really significant extra impact on MPs. The letter would be even more powerful if you felt able to express "scrap the 3p fuel duty rise" message in your own words.
  • Call your MP on 0207 219 3000 (and then ask for their office) and speak to them or their staff saying just how serious this issue is to you, your family or your business. Ask them for an appointment to actually go and see them in their local constituency office. We know that many people would not normally do this sort of thing – but remember, these are your MPs and they are there to serve you. Please don’t feel intimidated – go and see them and set out why high petrol & diesel taxes are hurting you. Parliament is in recess from 24[SUP]th[/SUP] May to 11[SUP]th[/SUP] June so most MPs will be back in their constituencies.
The Government (made up of Conservative and Liberal Democrat MPs) will put enormous pressure on its MPs to ‘toe the Party line’ and not support a move to scrap this rise. They will want to see the Budget go through 'intact' including the 3p rise in Fuel Duty. We understand that MPs have a loyalty to their Party. However, we know that petrol & diesel prices are the number one issue for millions of families and businesses and are at crisis levels. This is an occasion when we need our MPs to represent you on this vital issue above and beyond all other political considerations .
Please, don’t leave this to someone else. We can only win with massive and overwhelming support from you. Every email, every letter and every telephone call really does make our case stronger .
We believe that our supporters have a right to know how MPs stand on the issue of petrol & diesel taxes. We will be putting up a list of MPs on our website who express support for our new amendment.
Kind regards,
Peter Carroll
and the FairFuelUK team
Initial headline results from the FairFuelUK Survey [/TD]
I've been signed up for a couple of months, even had a letter from my MP on house of commons headed paper!

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I emailed my MP twice.. not even had a read receipt , never mind a blinking reply..

Phil wilson.. MP for newton aycliffe... waste of space. 🙁


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