Female Tilers / Lady Tilers

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Do not wish to be sexist but what problems other than the painters being in could a female have different than a male. In fact it could be an advantage to a female tiler as it is more understandable for a woman living alone wanting another female tradesperson to do the work. Would a man insist on another man ?
I sent an email out ages ago to ask the girls if they wanted a sub-forum that just they have access to, I didn't know at the time whether it would get used but I did have a healthy response from the ladies saying that they think they could find use for it. Some just said it would be cool if they could ask the other girls what they experience on-site etc, and others said they don't ask some things in the main forums as the lads can get a bit loud sometimes.

Though so far not enough replied to warrant creating one, I've made forums on here that had more than double the response and they didn't get used so at the moment it seems like it's a no go.
D Bowden

Isn't your segregation suggestion sexist. My post mearly states that ultimatley when it comes to tiling both sexes are the same so why have a womens only forum ?

Tom :thumbsup:
Hi Dan. Think its's a great idea. Although the replies I've had from my first 2 questions were brilliantly received I think there will be some questions that maybe only a female might answer or find relevant. In addition, us girls are generally not as cracking at general handyman-ness (?!) and so there's a few general things I'm embarrassed about asking as I feel all the blokes will automatically know and wonder how I've lived so long and not know. Does any of this make sense?!If not, yes, girls forum, great idea!
So by being a girlie you feel you might have handyperson questions you are unable to answer yet you think that a girlie only forum will get them answered without any smart replies such as " you really should know that ". It is my experience that no matter how stupid or trivial the question is if you don,t know the answer there is always somebody willing to come forward and provide a solution without being judgemental whatever sex you are.
It is because of this that so many appreciate the site and it is a reason that a woman only forum is not needed. After all a woman could also ask a question that many a bloke would like to know the answer to. :thumbsup:
I don't see wot the problem is here.....if the ladies want a forum and the amount of lady members warrant it, then they should have one...dan will see to that no probs...
I don't see wot the problem is here.....if the ladies want a forum and the amount of lady members warrant it, then they should have one...dan will see to that no probs...

What about a forum just for u and me DAVE ???????


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